
Honoring 1st Surface Rent…

Leone Afric Metals Company Pays Le2 BnTo Ngowahun Chiefdom

The Lithium Leone Afric Metals Mining Company has paid two billion Leones as surface rent to residents of Ngowahun Chiefdom, Kalaba, Bombali District

The money given is for the operations of large-scale Lithium mining and for landowners to utilize as development and social projects in their district

For the first time in the history of the country, Lithium mineral will be mined in the Bombali district. Lithium is widely used in batteries as a heater in a few mediums, and a major component in various metal alloys. It is also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, depression, and other mental health conditions, due to its mood-stabilizing properties.

The new lithium mining company, according to Fassally Tarawallie, Company Representative, is expected to create more job opportunities, capacity building training, educational and health support to residents, embarked on infrastructure development in that part of the country.

He also emphasized that devoid of the surface rent payment, his company will adhere to all community agreements for the benefit of both parties

Residents of the chiefdom were exceptionally happy for another source of livelihood, as many people have been unemployed, which has hurt their daily survival, hence the introduction of the Leone Metal Afric company was a dream come true for them.

Paramount Chief Kandeh Gbanka 111, expressed determination to work with the investors on the basis that the community people will benefit from their natural endowments

Other government officials, including the Minister of North East, Abu Abu Abdulai Koroma and representatives from the National Minerals Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources, Mines Committee in Parliament, and Security Apparatus, implored the community to take ownership of their development, and protect the company for more sustainable development

Having more mining operations in the country is crucial to the generation of better revenue by government drive, but community ownership and collaboration with miners were considered very vital to ensure sustainable mining operations.

It is hoped that the mining company is expected to export millions of Lithium yearly.

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