
To Ensure Quality Rice Production…

SLeSCA Samples 196.1 Mt of Seed Rice In 4 Districts

In order to enhance quality rice production in the country and achieve food security, the Sierra Leone Seed Certification Agency has embarked on testing of rice seeds in 4 districts, namely:Kailahun, Kenema, Pujehun and Bonthe. During the sampling process, staff examined the various varieties of rice seed produced by the various districts to ensure the quality is up to standard. This move is part of President Bio’s promise to ensure that Sierra Leone produces its own food, and also part of the new government shift from importing rice seed to growing them locally.

See below for full details of the respective reports of the process:

Preliminary Report on Seed Sampling from Kailahun, Kenema, Pujehun and Bonth respectively

I forward herewith the report of seed sampling as per request for your attention. 

A total of 196.1 metric Tons was sampled.

Preliminary Report on Seed Sampling ofSeed Rice Produced by seed producers in four (4) Districts.

  1. Introduction

The Sierra Leone Seed Certification Agency (SLeSCA) sampled consignments of 196.1 Mt of seed rice at Kailahun, Kenema, Pujehun,and Bonthe Districts ABCs and stores to determine their quality status in accordance with International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) rules on seed samples. 

  • Specifically, the objectives were to sample and test:49.2 metric tonscertified seed of NERICA L-19 sampled at Kailahun, Kenema Districts seed producers.
  •  70.5 metric tonscertified seed of Rok34 sampled at Kailahun, and Districts seed producers.
  •  21 metric tons certified seed of Orylux 6sampled at Kailahun, Kenema District seed producers.
  • 7.5 metric tons certified seed of Rok 10 sample at Kailahun seed producers.
  • 17.5 metric tons seed rice of Sombowanie (Local) and 13.5 metric tons seed rice of Maggie (Local) sample at Kenema District.
  • 5 metric tons seed rice of Pateh (Local) and 5 metric tons seed Rice of Ngama-yeikei (Local) sample at Bonth District.
  • 1.6 metric tons seed rice of Peyshana (Local), Kailahun District and 1 metric ton of Notorie at Kenema District. 

Dates and Places of Sampling: 21th to 24th of February, 2023 in the four Districts above.

Date Samples Sent to SLeSCA Seed Testing Laboratory: 24th February, 2023 samples from the four Districts.

Date of Samples Reception by SLeSCA Seed Testing Laboratory: 24th February, 2023 samples from the four Districts above.

  • Quantities and Seed Lots

Table 1 below indicates the place of sampling, crop, variety, seed class, quantity, and number of sampled.

Table 1: Seed Rice Sampled in Kailahun, Kenema, Pujehun, Bonthe, Districts ABCs and stores.

                                             SEED SAMPLES FROM KAILAHUN, KENEMA, PUJEHUN AND BONTH DISTRICT.

Lessvan investmentMorrison Vonjo 099440678Lauma chiefdom. Kailahun districtNerica L19 Orylux 6100 Bags @ 50kg 50 Bags @ 50kg5000 2500  5 2.5
Chelena farmersTamba Lamin 078246181Kissy Tongeh chiefdom, Kailahun DistrictPeyshana32 Bags @ 50kg16001.6
Tayama farmers associationP.C Henry Taaka Baion 076658580Peje Bonge Maboma, Kailahun DistrictRok 10 Nerica L19100 Bags @50kg 100 bags @50kg5000 50005 5
Karbu united Green FarmersVandi Kpewa 076110413Njalahun Segbwema, Kailahun DistrictNerica L1940 Bags @ 50kg20002
Eco Rice ProductionAbu Vandi 076907594Govogbahun small Bo, Kenema District.PM2 Fkr6940 Bags @35kg 72 Bags @ 40kg1400 28801.4 2.9
DADSHON Habib Munda Rogers 076100056Doujo, Small Bo chiefdom, Kenema District.Rok 34 Orylux 6250 Bags @50kg 300 Bags @50kg12500 1500012.5 15
United Women Agric Business Enterprise ltdMariama Kalokoh 075626820Lauma, Kenema DistrictNerica L19 Sombowanie Maggie Orylux 6 Rok 34574 Bags @50kg 350 Bags @50kg 270 Bags @50kg 70 Bags @50kg 700 Bags @50kg28700 17500 13500 3500 3500028.7 17.5 13.5 3.5 35
Evergreen Womens CooperationSaffinatu Bockarie 078345523Kakajama Foidu, Kenema.Nerica L19 Notorie30 Bags @50kg 20 Bags @50kg1500 10001.5 1
Amoloma Farmers AssociationHaja Mary Betty Sandi 076643873Mongowa chiefdom, Kenema District.Nerica L19 Rok 3440 Bags @50kg 60 Bags @50kg2000 30002 3
Eyeina-heina ABCPatrick Allie 076244121Sogbini chiefdom, Bonth DistrictRok34 Pateh Ngama-yeikei350 Bags @50kg 100 Bags @50kg 100 Bags @50kg17500 5000 500017.5 5 5
Mutoga Agricultural centerJosephine Kong 079721035Ndopeh Sogbini chiefdom, Bonth DistrictNerica L19 Rok 34 Rok 10100 Bags @50kg 50 Bags @50kg 50 Bags @50kg5000 2500 25005 2.5 2.5

2.2Physical/Visual Inspection of Seed Rice at sampling 

The consignments were inspected visually for their quality and the type of packaging materials used.Specifically, the following wereverified:

  • Seed packaging (weight, packaging type)-The seeds were bagged in polypropylenebags of 50 kg, some in 40 kg and some 35 kg.
  • Integrity of the container and sealing– The integrity of some containers was good and bags were sealed whiles some not good and bags were not seal
  • Level of physical impurity– Partially filled grains, empty glumes, ball of earth, stones, and weed seeds were contained in the seed consignments. 
  • Presence of insects – Insignificant number of weevils wereobserved inthe seed lots, though not treated with any chemical.
  • Presence of labels in bags and information provided on the labels– No Labels or tags were indicated in and out of the bags.
  • On-Site moisture content test – Using a twist grain moisture meter, the readings for the seed lots range from 9.4 – 12.0%.

     Store observations:

  • Cracks were found on some walls and concrete floors.
  • Storage buildings were not kept in good condition both inside and outside.
  • Unclean storage environment with spider webs.
  • No consignment was in lot form arrangement.
  • No labels were indicated both inside and outside the bags.
  • Spillover of seed rice on the floor.
  • All stores visited stack their seeds close to the walls.


  • Repair cracks on walls and concrete floors.
  • In and outside of the store must be kept clean.
  • Clean storage environment.
  • Proper stack layout must be enforced.
  • Bags must be stacked on pallets with labels in lot form.
  • Separate other agricultural inputs from seed rice in the store in the cases of ABC’s
  • Avoid stacking seeds close to the walls

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