
Speaker of Parliament Commends Chericoco & Others

In a spectacular statement at the Well of Parliament while addressing  Members of the opposition, the Speaker of Parliament has extolled the former All People’s Congress party (APC) leader of Parliament Honourable Cherinoh Ramadan Maju Bah popularly known as Chericoco for his contributions in the Well of Parliament.

“Indeed no meritorious accomplishments can be properly paid to the Fifth Parliament without a resounding and fulsome acknowledgement of the pivotal role of the Hon. Chernor Bah,” said the Speaker of Parliament.

The Honourable Speaker of Parliament, Honourable Dr. Abass Bundu further stated that Honourable Chericoco was an illustrious Member of Parliament who has an exemplary and visionary leadership throughout his tenure as a Member of the House of Parliament.

“Chericoco has left an indelible imprint in the annals of our legislative history,” he lauded, stating further that let truth be loudly and boldly told, Honourable Chernor Bah will be missed in this hallowed Chamber as well as within every corridor of Parliament.

He also commended Honourable Ibrahim Ben Kargbo by describing him as both the political encyclopaedia of Sierra Leone and a true first edition of all that stands out as remarkably good of the APC Party, the archetypal Alpha and Omega of Parliamentary politics. The Honourable Speaker added that, on behalf of this entire House I commend you and extend to you our very best wishes for a joyful, peaceful, restful and well-earned retirement.

He continued by stating that one of the most difficult tasks in politics is not how to acquire power but how to transfer it to a new generation of leaders, further that, the more difficult task is for leaders to deliberately create new and able leaders to systematically take over from the older when the time comes.

“But if I were asked to appraise the redoubtable Ajibola Manly-Spain on his character, ability, reliability and strength to connect and influence people, I would say without a doubt that only a handful of men would be able to match him,” he further commended Manly-Spain.

Addressing the 52 Members of Parliament from the main opposition APC party that subscribed to the oath of office, he therefore considered it a great honour to welcome all of them to the House of Parliament.  On several occasions, he stated that he has tried to plead with them to see reason and come to the House to perform the sacred constitutional duties for which they were elected by the people. Nonetheless, he continued that it’s better late than never. Furthering that, he feels deeply gratified that his urgings didn’t fall on deaf ears. He also commended the dogged determination and perseverance of the Independent Commission on Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC) for living up to its legal mandate and to the expectations of the general public.

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