
Police Declare Sheku Bangura wanted

Sierra Leone Police has declared Sheku Bangura of 34c Station Road, Mayemie, Allen town wanted for riotous conduct and incitement.
Sheku Bangura was alleged to have made an inciting statement on social media denouncing government action on the attempt to muzzle the press and victimization of opposition members.
Sheku Bangura, according to investigation, is a member of the Opposition All People’s Congress. He is alleged to have taken part on protest against the ruling SLPP Government denouncing the increase on the pump price of fuel. It is understood that the police before this time have been trying to locate Sheku Bangura whose whereabouts remained unknown.

Family sources in Freetown disclosed to this medium that their son is in hiding today for exercising his rights to free speech. “He was alleged to have made damming comments against the ruling government, hence the reason why they have declared him wanted, said a close friend of his by the name Mohamed Kamara”. He added that if not the timely intervention of community youth, Sheku could have been a dead man because the police descended at his house with heavy handedness all in desperation to get him arrested. However, it is reported a close friend Sheku Bangura was attacked and killed by supporters of the ruling government. His friend Alusine Kamara commonly known as Oshea died an untimely death after he stabbed on his stomach and heart by loyal supporters of the ruling SLPP. Oshea, according to investigation met his death as he was speaking in defense of his friend Sheku Bangura. Oshea who is standing on the extreme left shoulder of Sheku in this photo died an untimely death for defending what his right and that of his friend. As we go to Press, no arrest have been made but the Sierra Leone Police is still going after Sheku Bangura ignoring to arrest and prosecute the murderers of Oshea who was murdered in cold blood by supporters of the ruling government.
Sierra Leone under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio is hell for opposition members. Sheku Bangura’s case is one among many Sierra Leoneans who are suffering in silence. Some are said to have been decided to be in exile ever seen the Bio government came to power. Journalists, civil society activists and members of the opposition political parties have suffered the worse form of political intimidation and harassments. It will surprise readers to know that the Sierra Leone Police is always working on “orders from above” and this has led to a situation wherein the country is no longer safe for anyone considered to be anti government. Diplomatic institutions have also not been spared as concerns have been raised on all the issues mentioned but the government keep saying the diplomatic community is interfering in to our local politics which they have frown at and as well used pro-government civil society activists to denounce them and their actions.
Sierra Leone is no longer safe for government critics as there are persistent arrests, detention and imprison of journalists, human rights activists and politicians belonging to the opposition parties.

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