
Gov’t Should Recognize Rights Of LGBT

By Mohamed K Jalloh

Freelance Journalist
While the government has recognized the rights of people with special needs in the country, its apparent refusal to recognize the rights of LGBT is a cause for concern. After all, they too are Sierra Leoneans and should be able to exercise their rights like every other group of people. Minority rights matter in any Democratic country, and theirs should be no exception.
People of different sex are allowed to enjoy their rights. They are free to associate, interact and marry. Even sex workers carry out their trade unhindered, why should the LGBT people not allowed to co-exist like their compatriots. It should be noted that not everybody has the same sexual desire, and those with different desire should be allowed to co-exist in society. They do not pose any threat to other Sierra Leoneans. They simply want to be allowed to enjoy their rights. In any relationship, it only takes two to agree. With same sex, those who have that kind of sexual orientation should be allowed to associate and enjoy their rights like others and should not be discriminated against.
The country’s constitution provides for freedom to enjoy one’s rights without himderance, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rights of others. Like the normal male and female sexual orientation, LGBT people do not go around forcing others to join them. People have a right to do with their bodies whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t affect the right of others.
In recognition of the inalienable rights of individuals, the UN Convention on Human Rights of citizens was drafted and adopted by the global body to ensure that the rights of minority groups are protected. This convention and other international treaties have been signed by the government of Sierra Leone, which makes it an obligation to domesticate same. What is the use of signing up to a treaty when there is not the political will to adhere to its dictates? Prior to the appending of signature on any document, our leaders have the right to reject what the treaty demands, and are at liberty to withhold their signature, but when once they have signed such agreements, they are bound to adhere to them. Thus, the UN Convention and other international treaties that deal with the rights of people should be adhered to and domesticated.
These treaties speak specifically against discrimination, included in which is discrimination against vulnerable groups, which includes LGBT and people with special needs. Like their compatriots, they want to feel belong and enjoy the freedom that the constitution provides for all citizens. Against this backdrop, it is incumbent on the government to ensure that the rights of these groups are protected. They should not be discriminated against nor hindered in the exercise of their rights, just like their compatriots.

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