
BBM Foundation Builds Quality Water Facility In Kailahun

By Edwina Sia Janga
In an exclusive interview with the CEO of Beautiful Birds of Melun Foundation (BBM Foundation), Mohamed Malikie, it was disclosed that the foundation has embarked on the construction of water facility in Jorlu, Luawa Chiefdom, Kailahun District, which will provide accessibility to clean drinking water for residents, and also enhance their health and reduce the rate of illnesses from waterborne diseases.

CEO Malikie explained that they have started building a forage in Kailahun, and will erect 2 taps there, then they will move to Kono, and replicate same across the country, adding that they are planning to build some 25 such facilities across the country. He maintained that one is currently at completion in Jorlu, and will do another one at Borbu. According to the CEO, the foundation aims to provide residents in the chiefdom with the opportunity to access water easily and enhance their health.

He furthered that the project will address the problem of water availability in most areas. Access to clean drinking water, Malikie noted, has been the perennial problem across the country, and in most villages, people have had to depend on steams for water, but with the establishment of these forage, it will reduce the time taken to access water and also enhance health. He furthered that people in these areas use to go for miles to access water, and in most cases, these are got from streams or rivers, which, in their view, is unhygienic and could cause sickness, but with the new facility, they will now be able to access clean drinking water and live healthier lives.

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