
KKY Pierces NGC

By Edwina Sia Janga

Spectacular events have taken place in the past few days in the National Grand Coalition Party (NGC) that have caught Sierra Leoneans off their guard, and for many, created a political vacuum to be filled, whilst for others, an opportunity to make new political gains. Top officials of the party, including its Chairman and Leader, Dr. Denis Bright, Arthur Pearce, its Western Area Regional Chairman, and a host of other members.

According to some of the statements in the various resignation letters, the resignations were precipitated by suggestions by some members of the party, including its Parliamentary Leader to form an alliance with the ruling SLPP. In house consultations were held with various chapters of the party, but there does not seem to be any unanimous concession on towing the line of their Parliamentary Leader. A good number have expressed their opposition to such an alliance, and this had informed their decisions to leave the party. The resignation letter of the NGC’s Regional Chairman of Western Area, speaks volume of the discontent in the party and the apparent failure to reach a consensus.

Though Dr. Denis Bright was economical with the reason for leaving the party, many believe that, as a man of his word, he was also averse to the decision to form an alliance with the SLPP, as his resignation letter insinuates that the said decision for alliance is based on selfish interest than that of the people, which effectively defeats their common slogan of ‘Country Fos’. Cognisance of the political intimidation that accompanies dissenting views in Sierra Leone’s political landscape, Dr. Bright chose to protect his family and preserve his life, especially after being arrested for his stance on various issues. At a time like this when the political climate is getting hotter, Bright believes that the best action to take is to leave the party.

But, where does this leave the NGC party? Political analysts are of the view that the NGC leaders lacked the vision they were preaching, and forging an alliance with the ruling party eventually kills small political parties and adversely affects the much talked about democracy that the country is yearning for. This was ably elaborated by Raymond Turay, Lecturer in Political Science at Fourah Bay College, during the ‘Good Morning Salone’ program aired on Radio Democracy on Thursday 2nd February 2023. It is inevitable that in the final analysis, NGC will disintegrate like other political parties (PDP, PMDC, UDM Etc.).
See Resignation Letter Below:

8 Olu Jones Drive,
1st February 2023
The Secretary General,
National Grand Coalition Party (NGC)
14 Naimbana Street,
Dear Sir,
It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of my decision to resign from the position of Chairman and Leader and from the NGC party with immediate effect.
You will recall that in recent times there have been significant differences within the top leadership of the party on key issues that have to do with the future of the NGC. It has now become clear to me that my continued presence and current role in the party are being considered a negative energy to some colleagues who are pursuing pathways that they hope will be of benefit to the party.
After giving much thought to this, I have concluded that at this time it is only decent that I give space to those who are better placed to shepherd the party as they search for the best way forward. I do this without any grudge or grievance for colleagues that I have worked amicably with in the past five years. I wish them success in their endeavours.
The truth is that I still hold on to those views and positions that I have expressed openly in the media about the political situation in the country and I have seen no sign of change that should let me change them. I do hope that Sierra Leoneans will judge me fairly.
Finally, I am leaving the NGC now on the advice of my family who are greatly troubled about their safety and security as a result of my involvement and experiences in politics recently. The stress, pains and sacrifices of active politics in Sierra Leone have taken their toll on my family’s solidarity. My spouse and children deserve to live in relative peace and comfort and not sleep in fear of anything grave that may befall me. My love and loyalty to Sierra Leone remains intact and whenever necessary I will play my part in support of the progress of my country.
I have a special apology to make to all the NGCians who entrusted the management of their party by voting solidly for me in the last National Delegates Conference and especially to those brothers and sisters in the diaspora and at home who supported me financially and otherwise. We created a real family around our shared values, principles and dreams. If I am leaving now I want you to believe that I have to, I am constrained by the circumstances to quit before it is too late. I know how much this will hurt, and I am sincerely sorry. I will endeavor to maintain our relationship as best as I can, God willing.
I am now going to spend more time with God, family and friends. I wish you all well as you journey on to the future.
Kindly note that I will be making myself available for any transitional administrative arrangements.
Yours faithfully,

Dr. Dennis Bright.
Cc: ​Chairman National Elders and Trustee Council, NGC
​Parliamentary Leader NGC.

National Grand Coalition Party Chief Patron-N0007001
+23278762155 / +23230100701

1st February, 2023.

The Secretary General,
National Grand Coalition,
No.14 Naimbana Street,

Dear Sir,

                                  RE:RESIGNATION LETTER

I write to resign from my position as Regional Chairman Western Area of the National Grand Coalition(NGC) Political Party & as a member of the National Grand Coalition(NGC) Political Party.
The reasons for this decision in no way stem from grudge or malice but from Personal and Professional Values which I have held in high esteem throughout my years in politics.
I strongly believe that an Alliance or Political Partnership with the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) at this particular time will kill public trust and respect that has long being an element of admiration for the NGC and there is a great possibility of such agreement to put an end to the sustainability of the NGC after June 2023 Elections.
I once communicated my position through the Leadership of our revered party and Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella (Parliamentary Leader- NGC) that the decision a Political Party like NGC must make if we were to go into an Alliance must not be for the benefit of any individual or small group of persons, but for the survivability of NGC thus our slogan- ‘U touch wan, U touch all’.
Consequently. I have kept a sacred place within my heart for issues pertaining to NGC but I cannot sit by quietly and watch the party being dragged to its demise as it is seen to be done hence I want to make very clear to the NGC Party and the public that based on Principles which I hold so dear and cannot compromise, especially at such a time in Sierra Leonean Politics, I will ask kindly that I be honored the request of an amicable separation, effective Immediately.
I have had wonderful relationships with members of the NGC and the KKY Movement since 2013 to date but today, 10 (ten) years after, I am saying goodbye to a political party in whose belief I rested my very life and are wishing each and every member the very best with politics in the National Grand Coalition(NGC) Political Party.
I remain.
Yours Faithfully,

Arthur E. Pearce
Cc: The Press

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