
Kalangba Residents Welcome Leone Afric Metals-SL

Leone Afric Metals (SL) Limited, is a new Mining Company trying to register with the Government of Sierra Leone. Recently, at Kalangba, the company held a day Public Disclosure and Consultation Workshop on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. This is in readiness to kick start operation of the Bombali Large Scale Lithium Mining Project site situated at N’gowahun and Makari Chiefdoms. Mining is good but comes with a cost, therefore it’s good to make them known to the people, so there must be an adaptive strategy, this was the new direction President Bio promised. This will create Jobs and generate revenue PAOPA

 During the management of the company assured the community and the Paramount Chief that among the concerns raised by the community is the availability of some teachers that are working, but are not paid. He requested from the Paramount Chief that he should provide them with a list of all those teachers, and stressed that whether they get the license to operate in the community or not, he has committed to pay them their salaries for the next one year.

Several concerns were raised and amicably addressed by stakeholders and the Paramount Chief, including admonition from the Resident Minister North, Abu Abu, who told them to embrace the company so that their chiefdom will develop like others. This move, he said, is part of President Bio’s effort to get investors to come and invest in the country. The meeting was climaxed by dancing and singing of songs of praise to the government by the audience. 

General Kalokoh Media Team

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