
NASSIT Strengthens Employers’ Obligation To Workers

By Abdul Rahman Bah

On Tuesday the 24January 2023, NASSIT announced the NASSIT Act No. 5 2001 to be reviewed at the Bintumani Conference Center, Aberdeen in Freetown.

Mohamed Gondoe, chairman of the program,explained that they are there to represent the people, noting that in 2001, he and former President Ahmed TeJanKabba discussed seeking assistance for NASSIT. They then sat down and developed the act, which was drawn from experiences from other countries.

MrGondoe said Africans have the same characteristics, adding that when some actions are taken they help to develop an individual, but when negatively applied, they negatively affect people.

Mr Mohamed furthered that the day to day administration of the Trust is vested in the DG,who is ably assisted by the Deputy Director General and Managers of the various Divisions. He stated that membership of the scheme is compulsory for all workers, adding that it is optional for self-employed persons. According to the NASSIT act NO.5, it mandatory for all employers to ensure that their workers are registered with the scheme, and the employer is also obliged to deduct 5% from the employees’ earnings and pay another 10% on behalf of the employees, giving a total contribution of 15%. And in the case of self-employed persons, they may join the scheme as voluntary contributors, paying the full 15% on their declared income.

NASSIT DG Mohamed FuaadDabohin his statement said that after 

20 years they are now coming to review the NASSIT Act No5 2001, furthering that it is a wonderful day to be here as a family.He maintained that for the success of the Trust there is the need for collective effort. He disclosed that after the engagement, they will take the Reviewed Act to Parliament for Enactment.

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