
HRMO Holds MDAs Hearing Exercise

The MDAs’ Manpower Hearing exercise was held at the Civil Service Training College, Tower Hill, Freetown by the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO).

enjoyed the full range of hearing and got the HRMO full support and approval of request for the Establishment and Creation of New Post for 2025, Promotion (Authorized Establishment 1) and Appointment (Approved Establishment 3) for 2025, in order to enable Cabinet Secretariat, ensure effective and efficient quality service delivery, good image and take it to the next higher level.

In summary, the number of Posts in the Cabinet Secretariat is 23. The Current Establishment is 51. Additional Establishment is 4. Proposed Establishment (Current plus Additional) is 55. Number in Post is 29. And Number of Variables is 26. The Staff List/Nominal Roll for 2025 is 48. The Wastage/Retirement List for 2025 is 1.

The Cabinet Secretariat draws his legal mandate from various sections of the Constitution of Sierra Lone (Act No. 6 of 1991) which include Section 59 (1) and Section 68 (1, 2 & 3). The Cabinet Secretariat has a unique constitutional Mandate that vests responsibility in an individual and not an institution as in most cases in the Public Service.

Meanwhile, the Programmes and Activities for 2025 for the Cabinet Secretariat shall include: –

Cabinet Operations:  Facilitate the Development of Service Delivery Charter; Catering for Cabinet weekly meetings; Facilitate the holding of local and international/conferences; E-Cabinet platform; Coordination of Cabinet Affairs; Training of MDAs on policy formulation and implementation and drafting of Cabinet proposals; Induction/training for Ministers, Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers on Cabinet processes and procedures.

Office of the Head of the Civil Service: Coordination of Civil Service Affairs; General administration and operational activities; Coordinating the activities of Permanent Secretaries and Professional Heads; Establishment of the Public Service Academy and Statutory travel overseas by the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service.

Cabinet Implementation Monitoring and Support: Monitoring the implementation of Cabinet Decisions at MDAs levels; Quarterly training of Cabinet Focal Persons, Policy Analysts, M & E Officers and other staffs of MDAs; Monitoring Visits to MDAs to collect evidence of implementation of Cabinet; Facilitating compilation and distribution of Cabinet Decisions to all relevant MDAs; Undertake Periodical field trips to project emanating from Cabinet Decisions for reporting to Cabinet and Prepare periodic reports on the implementation of Cabinet Decisions for the attention of the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service and the Presidency; the report should indicate the progress of each MDA in implementing its assigned responsibilities and highlight the problems/constraints they experience.

Performance Management: Development of Performance Targets for Civil Servants in grades 11; Monitoring of implementation of activities of Civil Servants in grades 11; Mid-Year Performance Appraisals of Civil Servants in grades 11 and above; Annual Performance Appraisals of Civil Servants in grades 11 and above; Coordinating and Mentoring of Civil Servants in grades 11 and above on target setting and Appraisal in the Western Area and the Provinces.

However, the Manpower Planning is a process geared towards providing information to the MDA where the planning is taking place as well as informing the Human Resource Management Office on the human resource needs of each establishment.


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