
Why Pres. Bio Should Pay Chief Sam Sumana’s Benefit?

By Mohamed Kakay

Former Vice President, Chief Alhaji Sam Sumana, was democratically elected Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone in 2007 when chosen by former President Ernest Koroma as his running mate under the APC party.

From 2007 to 2012, he served his country diligently to the best of his ability while working harmoniously with his boss former President Ernest Koroma. Together the two gentlemen worked successfully towards the implementation of the Agenda for Change and the Agenda for Prosperity manifestos.

In 2013, Chief Sam Sumana fell out with his political party and was subsequently sacked from his position as Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone.

As a peaceful and law-abiding citizen, he sought legal redress in both the Supreme Court of the country and the ECOWAS court. The rest is all history now.

As we all can remember, from 2007 to 2012, the former Vice President rendered his dedicated and unflinching commitment to service his country.  His period in office saw our country’s economy booming as it was referred to as the fastest-growing economy in Sub-Saharan Africa.

As per law, any President or Vice President who served our country for five years uninterrupted is qualified to receive full benefits.

Unfortunately, Chief Alhaji Sam Sumana didn’t receive a dime from both the past and present administrations for the services he rendered to his country.

  1. President Julius Maada Bio has shown magnanimity and compassion towards his fellow Sierra Leoneans on multiple occasions even after coming into conflict with the law. Very recently, the president was harshly criticized by many supporters from his own SLPP for granting former President Ernest Koroma permission to travel to Nigeria even though he is facing trial on allegations of coup plots.
  2. President Bio, please note that Chief Alhaji Sam Sumana comes from a large Paramount Chieftency family home just like you. You’re all potential Paramount Chiefs if so, God Almighty decides.

President Bio, a listening fine gentleman whom I knew from our days at the Bo School in the 1980s, will surely show magnanimity and compassion to his brother and give him all that’s due him purely on a humanitarian basis.

This isn’t about politics or which political party one belongs to but about a man with a huge family responsibility demanding justice for serving the nation. He has a family to care for like any of us and therefore turning a blind on such isn’t the right thing to do to your own brother.

  1. President Julius Maada Bio has extended his prerogative of mercy on multiple occasions to people who committed crimes against the state. Chief Alhaji Sam Sumana and Present Bio have nothing against each other as some may want to believe.

Go ahead President Bio and rescue your brother from his current predicament by returning his benefits to him without any precondition.

May God Almighty bless us all and our beloved nation Sierra Leone.

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