
My mission is to deliver… Beacon of Hope for Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is a nation rich in Human Resources, brimming with individuals who are dedicated to uplifting their fellow citizens and fostering a spirit of unity and progress; amongst these outstanding leaders is Prophet Mohamed Samuel Kamara, the Executive President of Testimony Arena International Ministry.

His unwavering commitment to service, deep relationship with God and love for the people of Sierra Leone make him beacon of hope and a true visionary for the nation’s future.

Prophet Samuel Kamara’s leadership is defined by compassion and dedication to the wellbeing of all Sierra Leoneans. Through his ministry, he has positively impacted countless lives, offering spiritual growth, shelter, healthcare, education and other social services. His contributions extend beyond the borders of Sierra Leone as he has helped many people find better opportunities in countries such as Ghana and United State of America.

“I have always believed that true leadership is about empowering others,” says Prophet Samuel Kamara, adding that, his mission is to create opportunity for my people not just in Sierra Leone but where ever they may find themselves.

Prophet Samuel Kamara’s passion for supporting children is particularly noteworthy. He founded the Victory Teens Organization (VTO), a charitable Christian organization dedicated to the welfare and rights of children in Sierra Leone. This commitment led him to establish an orphanage in Freetown, which now provides a safe haven for over fifty (50) children. These children receive not only education and healthcare, but also a nurturing environment that fosters their growth and development. “Every child deserves a chance to dream, to learn and to grow in a loving environment,” Prophet Samuel Kamara asserts. “That is why I established the orphanage so that these children can have the opportunities they deserve.”

In addition to his work with orphans, Prophet Samuel Kamara has been instrumental in expanding educational opportunities for children in underserved communities. He has built schools in places like Tombo now serves over one hundred (100) pupils, ensuring that they receive the education they need to build a brighter future. “Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.” He emphasizes. “I am committed to ensuring that every child in Sierra Leone has access to quality education.”

Prophet Samuel Kamara Kamara’s commitment to Social Justice extend beyond children to include women and girls. He is passionately developing projects aimed at improving their welfare and providing them with the resources they need to thrive. “Women and girls are the backbone of our communities,” Prophet Samuel Kamara states, stating further that, their empowerment is not just an option but it is essential for the progress of our nation.

His vision for Sierra Leone also includes a strong focus on youth empowerment and development. Prophet Samuel Kamara is tirelessly working on initiatives that will provide young people with the skills, mentorships and opportunities they need to succeed.

“The future of Sierra Leone rests in the hands of our youths and it is our responsibility to equip them with the tools they need to succeed,” he stated.

“My calling is to serve humanity,” Prophet Samuel Kamara declared, furthering that, he has been anointed by God to liberate people, but his primary mission is to deliver Sierra Leone. He is determined that he will not rest until Sierra Leones becomes a peaceful and loving place for its citizens.”

Prophet Mohamed Samuel Kamara embodies the leadership, compassion and vision that Sierra Leone needs. His journey is not just about spiritual guidance but about tangible, positive change for all Sierra Leoneans. He stands ready to lead, to serve and to bring about the transformation that our nation so desperately needs.

It is not clear as to what political party that Prophet Mohamed Samuel Kamara intends to join or whether he will register his political party to contest for the presidency of Sierra Leone in the 2028 elections.


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