
First Lady Calls for Gender Equality

Her Excellency Mrs. Fatima Maada Bio has called for global cooperation for gender equality and a united effort to end violence and bigotry against women and girls.

The charismatic First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Her Excellency Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, made this statement whilst delivering her speech at the Warwick University auditorium in Coventry, England, followed by an engaging question- and-answer session.

Addressing a diverse audience comprising students, academics, administrators, and other distinguished guests, Mrs. Bio passionately underlined the need for Africans, at home and abroad, to work together to develop the continent. She also used the opportunity to urge policymakers, community leaders, and other stakeholders worldwide to intensify their efforts in combatting and eradicating violence and bigotry against women. She encouraged women and girls to believe in themselves and to work hard on breaking any barriers that may be holding them back and hindering their progress.

In this captivating keynote address, punctuated by rounds of enthusiastic applause, Mrs. Bio inspired the youths to dream big, explore widely, push forward and unite to overcome obstacles.

Reflecting on her personal journey, Mrs. Bio expressed gratitude to HE President Julius Maada Bio, for empowering her and for the strong support and encouragement she continues to receive.

The First Lady advocated for hard work, perseverance, and fearlessness in the pursuit of justice and righteousness, while also emphasising the transformative power of education. She further encouraged African students, and all who love Africa, to help change the negative narrative about Africa, look to the continent’s huge potentials and seek to leverage strong partnership for meaningful growth.

This enlightening speech, delivered on the concluding day of a two-day summit, was part of a line-up of events, which included panel discussions on various topics revolving around the theme “UMuntu Ngumuntu Nag Bantu,” a Zulu/Xhosa expression meaning “I am because you are”.

Organized by African students and students of African origin, the Warwick Africa Summit is a leading collegiate society in the UK which bills itself as “an embodiment of African pride that transcends geographical confines”, and aims to serve as a “catalyst for change and development on the continent by fostering dialogue and innovation” in positive minds, to carve a better future for everyone. They work to connect “African leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs to a global talent-pool of individuals”.

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