
As 32 buried…

Kush is a Killer

Tears and sadness filled the air as 32 youths who died of kush intake were buried on Thursday, 14th March, 2024, at the Kingtom Cemetery, in Freetown.

With support from Barrie Help Foundation together with the Ministry of Health, facilitated the burial of these youths who met their untimely death as a result of kush intake.

According to the Head of the Burial team, Mr Sinneh Kamara confirmed that among the 32 unidentified dead bodies, 25 are male and 7 are female. He added that, the unidentified corpses were buried at the Kingtom cemetery. Mr Kamara also thanked Barrie Help Foundation for supporting members of the burial team.

To end this calamity to save the youthful population in the country, it is now prudent that the government of Sierra Leone declared a state of Public Health Emergency on Kush to end the trade and intake.

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