
Grassfield Community Ends Sensitization on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights

With support from the Christian Health Association of Sierra Leone, stakeholders of the Grassfield Community in the east end of Freetown, have ended a three-day sensitization program with a gala football competition on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights.

Speaking on behalf of the stakeholders of the Grassfield Community, Reverend Alie S. Conteh applauded the Christian Health Association for taking the lead in the fight against drugs abuse, rape and teenage pregnancy in the Grassfield community and its immediate environs. Reverend Alie described the three-days sensitization program on sexual reproductive health rights as timely and life-saver.

He admonished members of the community against teenage pregnancy, drugs abuse, rape and other vices. He called on the youth to desist from the intake of kush, tramadol and other harmful drugs.  He further underscored the need for stakeholders of the community to gear up in the fight against drugs and sexual abuse in the community. Reverend Alie Conteh went by admonishing women and the girl child to focus on their education and stay away from any sexual act that will derail their future. Furthering that, the purpose of the football gala competition is to deepen the sensitization on the harmful effects of drugs abuse to members of the community and beyond. He added that, as stakeholders they are concerned as to the increase rate of drugs abuse, teenage pregnancy, rape and other vices that are taking place in the country.

On behalf of the Christian Health Association of Sierra Leone, Mr. David Koroma thanked members of the community for their participation in the football gala competition. He added that the three days football gala is a vehicle for the dissemination of key messages in the fight against gender-based violence, rape, teenage pregnancies, drugs abuse and other vices. He applauded spectators from the participating teams for the huge demonstration of unity and sportsmanship.

The Project Chairman, Mr. David Turay commended members of the Grassfield community for participating in the sensitization program. He continued by stating that the football gala competition was used as a channel to bring young people together in one place to discuss vital issues that are affecting them. He added that before the football gala competition, lots of community engagements were held including radio talk shows to engage the wider public on sexual reproductive health rights in the community and beyond. Mr. Turay further that the Grassfield community has been considered as one of the communities with high rate of drugs abuse. He continued by applauding stakeholders of the community for taking the lead in embarking on massive sensitization on the harmful effects of drugs abuse, teenage pregnancies, early child marriage, violence, rape, sexual gender-based violence, domestic violence and other issues that are affecting young people in the community and beyond. He disclosed that four localities within the Grassfield Community were selected to participate in the football gala competition. He continued by stating that, these localities together with their respective stakeholders join the sensitization team in engaging their people on the harmful effects of drugs, teenage pregnancies, rape and domestic violence, adding that, these stakeholders in turn accepted to serve as watch dogs in the fight against drugs abuse and other vices.

Another Stakeholder in the Grassfield Community, Mr. Augustine Elba also thanked the Christian Health Association for supporting their community. He called for more support by stating that to maintain Reproductive Health Rights in the protection of women, children and youth in the community requires constant engagements with the people especially the youthful population that are being referred to as the perpetrators. He also commended young people for accepting their messages, adding by calling on them to desist entirely from taking harmful drugs and refrain from rape and other sexual offences.

Hundreds of football fans jampacked at the Grassfield Community Field situated in the east end of Freetown to watch the long awaited encountered between the Chair Lady and Boys Football Club and the Afine Football Club. In a Sunday afternoon amidst singing, dancing, beating of drums, joy and jubilation all-round the field from fans of both clubs.

The sensational game ended one-zero after a spectacular connectivity in the first half, the Afine Football Club gets their winning goal. More and more emotions were witnessed in the field of play by the mammoth supporters of the club as they shouted more and more with enthusiasm which motivated the guys with a non-stop combination and a dominative side of play many seen as first in history.

However, the Chair Lady and Boys fought very hard with a relentless effort to equalize with a formidable connectivity but alas they could not equalize as the Afine Football Club resisted with a perfect control of the ball which made it totally impossible for an equalizer.

Other participating teams are Lake Football Club from Nicol Terrace and Railian Football Club from the Portee Football Club.

Rahman Mengeh Turay was awarded as the Man of the Match, Mohamed Keita Conteh was awarded as Best Player and Milton M. Samah was also awarded as Best Goalkeeper, all from Afine Football Club.

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