
Vehicle Theft at Ministry of Transport

Magistrate Isata Sellu Tucker of Pademba Road Court No.2 has remanded in custody one Ishmael Conteh for fraudulent conversion of one white colored Toyota Hilux vehicle with registration number ARY 371.

According to the particulars of offense,  Ishmael Conteh on Thursday 7th September 2023, at Youyi Building, Brookfields in Freetown, fraudulently converted to his own use or benefit certain property, that is to say , one white coloured Toyota Hilux vehicle with registration number ARY 371, valued four hundred and one thousand five hundred Leones (Le 401,500) entrusted to him by Dennis Kamara another senior driver of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation for the purpose of driving, property of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation.

The accused is not represented and Magistrate Tucker refused the accused bail and remanded him in custody until the 21st October 2023. S.I Bona is prosecuting the matter.


Airport Staff & Guinean National Arrested at Lungi Airport With Drugs

A Guinean National, Sekou Tidiane Camara and a Sierra Leonean Mabinty Sufiam Kargbo an Aviation Security staff working at the Freetown International Airport Lungi were on Monday 9th October 2023, remanded in custody by Magistrate Mark Ngegba of Court No.1 for the alleged transportation of 24 plastics drugs from Freetown to Philippines without lawful authority.

The accused persons made their first appearance and were arraigned on six counts charges, ranging from possession of high risk drugs without lawful authority contrary to Section 8(a) of the National Drugs Control Act, 2008 Act No.10 of 2008, transportation of high risk drugs without lawful authority contrary to section 7(b) of the National Drugs Control Act No. 10 of 2008, aiding and abetting the transportation of high risk drugs, obstruction of authorized person in the performance of functions , failing to comply with the requirements made by an authorized person in the performance of his functions and failing to disclose information required by an authorized person in the performance of his functions contrary to section 65(C)(ii) of the National Drugs Control Act,2008, Act No 10 of 2008.

According to the indictments, the first accused Sekou Tidiane Camara on Sunday 27th August 2023, at the Freetown International Airport Lungi, Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom in the Northern Province were found in possession of 24 plastics sachets of Amphetamine a high-risk drug, without lawful authority.

It was further alleged on count two that the accused on the same date and place transported 24 plastics sachets of Amphetamine a high-risk drug from Freetown for onward shipment to Manila, Philippines, without lawful authority. Furthermore, count three states that the second accused Mabinty Sufian Kargbo between Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th August 2023, at Freetown International Airport aided and abetted Sekou Tidiane Camara in the transportation of 24 plastics sachets of Amphetamine a high-risk drug from Freetown for onward shipment to Manila, Philippines.

The Police further alleged on count four that Mabinty Sufian Kargbo on Saturday 26th August 2023, at the Freetown International Airport Obstructed Police Corporal 14366 Peter Sheku Konneh in the performance of his functions at the main entrance of the Freetown International Airport Lungi.

It was also alleged in count five that the first accused Sekou Tidiane Camara on the same date and place failed to comply with the requirements made by Police Corporal 14366 Peter Sheku Konneh in performance of his functions at the main entrance of the Freetown International Airport, Lungi.

Whiles counts six added that Sekou Tidiane Camara on the same date and place failed to disclose information required to the same Police in the performance of his functions at the main entrance of Freetown International Airport, Lungi.

When the charges were read and explained to the accused persons, no plead was taken.

Prosecution witness, Detective Corporal 12225 Fanta Fofanah led in evidence by Chief Superintendent of Police Joan Bull, said she is attached to the CID Airport Police Station Amvil Division Lungi. She recognized the accused persons and further recalled on 26th August 2023; she was on duty at the Airport Cargo Lungi. Whiles on duty, at around 17.00 hrs, she saw the first accused boarded a motor bike accompany by the second accused who is working at the West Minister Office at Lungi Airport.

”I asked the first accused as to what was wrap inside the cartoon, but he responded that he could not speak Krio but French and the second accused then told her he is with her that she came to assist him with the shipment of cartoons that contained spare part,” Detective Corporal 12225 Fanta Fofanah stated in court. The witness said she asked her to call the Sky Handling Partners (SHP) staff Tamu and then she did. According to the witness, Tamu came and turned four of the cartoons and during the process she saw tyres, adding that each has four bolt and nut attached to it. Detective Corporal 12225 Fanta Fofanah added that, she then asked the second accused if indeed the tyres were spare parts and she replied in the affirmative. Fanta said she told the accused that she was not satisfy with the items but the second accused in reply confirmed it to be spare parts, adding that they are not going to ship it on that day but the following day, and that when they are ready to load the items, she will call her to see the content for herself. After their discussion, the witness further that she was still standing and not convince and then asked the first accused who confirmed in a Mandigo language that it was not his first time shipping such items out of the country. The witness said after they have confirmed it, she then allowed her to go. But on Sunday 24 August 2023, the witness said whiles on duty, at around 1.30 Pm the accused No.2 report for duty and she saw her colleague CPL 10923 D.S.S arrived at the Departure. She said base on the information received, she went to her boss Mr. Marrah and explained to him.

”I met the first accused Camara with Mr Jimmy, and told him the goods he was about to load were drugs. The witness went on to say Tamu took two of the spare tyres and place it on the screening machine in order for them to see the content. She testified further that they saw the tyres on the screen, and then asked the second accused as to how would she know that the items are indeed spare tyres?

She said she then took one of the tyres and shook it, adding that whiles she was doing so, she heard something inside. Whiles on that process, according to the witness, the second accused overall boss Mary Ngawuja came to the scanning machine, and that on her arrival she asked the second accused if she had document for the said items and she said no. Her boss stopped her from scanning the items, and immediately the second accused went and came with a document showing that it was the airwave bill.

She said the airwave bill was handed over to her for clarification and then handed it over to her and she took it to her boss who called her and gave her the go ahead to screen the documents which she did. She said after the scanning she asked madam Ngawuja as to what was her findings? But in reply, she said nothing of Police interest was found. But she was persistence and then Mary told Tamu to go and come with hammer which Tamu did. The hammer was used to unlock the tyre, when the tyre was opened, she told the Court she saw three plastic containing substance suspected to be white mint. She said she contacted CSP Fatmata and informed her as to what she has discovered, adding that not too long, the Support Officer accompany by one ONS staff arrived at the scene. On their arrival, she said that the ONS staff had a machine on which she placed on the substance and discovered that it was a drug.

The Manager Mr. Lavally then ordered Tamu to open the remaining tyres which he did and they discovered all together 24 plastic containing substance suspected to be drug. Mr. Lavally and l handed over the items to the Transnational Organized Crime Units Officer ASP Kamanda for further investigation and on the 28th August 2023, she made statement to Police at the Freetown International Lungi Airport.

Magistrate Ngegba refused both accused bail and remanded them in custody and the matter was adjourned to Friday 13th October 2023.

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