
GSIC Boosts Vulnerable Children

In line with their dreams of reaching out to the less privileged and vulnerable, Gifted Soul International Charity (GSIC) reached out with assorted food items to the Sierra Leone Muslims Brotherhood Primary School (SLMB) and the Sierra Leone Muslims Congress Primary School (SLMC) both at Congo Water, Wellington Freetown.

The donation was headed by the Country Coordinator, Jamiru Melchizedek Yankuba aka Media Jay who spoke on behalf the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Gifted Soul International Charity, Mrs. Cecilia Yankuba Gbla and her team.

He recalled the time they visited pupils of Precious Gem Mission School at Kroobay in Freetown with assorted donation.

He said Gifted Soul International Charity is a Christian based non profitable organization registered by law with the Motto: “Women whose lives are full of good works” is supporting the less privileged with talents at actualized their dreams.

He emphasized that despite being a Christian based organization they will not forget other faith base groups that was why they were at those schools to make such donations.

He also disclosed that, GSIC is based in the United States of America with 12 members including two Nigerians currently and since 2020 they have been donating to several schools such as at MacDonald along the Waterloo axis and similar donation was done in Nigeria in 2022.

He spoke about their intention to expand their charity to more communities as there are lots of people that are in need.

As a non-profitable organization, they too are looking for support from others through that they can reach out to more needy as the founder believes “nothing is too small to give, when you give, it means you are fulfilling the words of God. This is a Christian based organization but we are spreading our support to all denomination.”

The distribution of the items was done by voluntaries including Marie Bundu Koroma.

Shaku Deen Kamara a teacher of the Sierra Leone Muslims Congress Primary School thanked Gifted Souls International for reaching out to them with such donation.

He said such donation hardly come by these days in their schools. Adding that if such continue, it will go a long way for the kids and their parents.

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