
Women’s Forum Sierra Leone Congratulates President Bio On His Re-election

State House, Freetown, On Tuesday 4 July 2023, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio, received a cross-section of members of the Women’s Forum Sierra Leone, who called at the Presidency to congratulate him on his re-election and commit to working with the government in achieving its desired goals.


The President of Women’s Forum Sierra Leone, Sally Adams, while congratulating the President and his Vice President on behalf of all the women in the country, said, “His Excellency, we the women in Sierra Leone are here to congratulate you and your Vice President on your re-elections for well-deserving elections.


“We had observers all over the country, and from our observation, the elections were free, fair, transparent, and inclusive. I bring you greetings from the women of Sierra Leone to congratulate you on your victory. We, the women, are appreciative of you for passing into law the GEWE Act”.


The Women’s Forum President said that the GEWE Act has increased political participation and has also increased the number of women in Parliament. She said they are going to have 41 women in the new Parliament as Parliamentarians, representing 30.4 percent female representation.

“As women of Sierra Leone, we are not in any position to look aback. Your agenda to develop this nation is ours too, and we are here to assure you and your Vice President that we are fully in support of your victory. We are here to congratulate you and to confirm that the June 24 elections were successful, credible, and transparent,” she confirmed.


President Julius Maada Bio, while receiving the women, described the day as historic, especially in hosting women from Sierra Leone; hence, he said, “My Vice President and I are happy to be among you here today in receiving you while you congratulate us.”

“Today is important for all of us as a nation and for our women in particular, as we still celebrate the GEWE Act. We said at least 30 percent must be allocated to women in governance, and to do that, we need to work together, identify our interests as women, and work towards achieving them.


“I did not pass into law the GEWE Act because I am the President of Sierra Leone. I did that because I believe in women, and with you, we can transform our country within a short period of time. So, I am calling on all the women, especially the Women Forum, to help in cascading the Act to locals across the country. I believe that if women were informed of the GEWE Act, they would have responded accordingly in the elections,” the President expressed.


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