
Kush Victims Need Help Not Arrest

By Edwina Sia Janga

Recently, the Sierra Leone Police, especially its Waterloo Division, informed the public that in a sting operation, they were able to arrest a number of Kush users and dealers, as well as a huge quantity of the drug and other banned substances. The police further maintained that the suspects will be appearing before the Court in respect of the said crime.

However, a good number of concerned citizens are of the view that the arrest of the victims of Kush should not be prosecuted, but need help. The country’s Psychologist, Dr. Jalloh, during a radio program aired on Epic Radio expressed the opinion that arrest will not address the situation, furthering that the victims need help. He stressed that when once a user of Kush is addicted, the craving for the drug increases considerably and this has been the reason for these youths to go into criminal activities to get money to buy the drug. He stressed that Kush is a highly addictive drug, and when taken, the victims lose control of their senses.

Dr. Jalloh noted that there should be a rehab centre to treat them and not the prison. He furthered that the number of mental cases at the Kissy Mental Home is rising and among them are Kush cases. Furthermore, he noted that the Kush is different from the kind seen in the USA and other countries. In Sierra Leone, Kush is mixed with various chemicals, and medical experts have not been able to identify the effect of this mixture on the body, except its effect on the cognitive. There have been many cases of swollen feet, sores etc. on the victims, including those who have died from the drug.

Dr. Jalloh maintained that the action that should be taken is to stop the supply of the drug, as without the supply, the demand will drop. Unfortunately, the supply of the drug continues unabated, and are brought in by influential people, who make a fortune from the sale.

His view has been shared by many advocates for the stopping of the sale of the drug in the country. They see as positive action by the police to arrest the dealers of the drug, but advised against the prosecution of the victims. For many, they feel that the government should declare Kush as a public health emergency and declare the Importation and sale of the drug an offense. It is an open secret that Kush is not made in the country, but imported, and later doctored by the dealers to make it potent and fast acting, and it is this mixture that has been responsible for the current destruction of the youths. Medical experts say that the Kush consumed by youths destroys all the organs in the body, and this is what eventually kills the victim. Dr. Jalloh disclosed that the drug causes the patient’s appetite to increase, and warned parents to observe their kids.

Concerned citizens say that in what is now the popular social gathering is Pool Party, and that during such parties, including beach fiestas, the consumption of Kush is a common thing. The drug is even mixed in the popular ‘shisha’ smoking pipe. Sierra Leoneans are advised to abstain from Kush, as well as sharing the ‘shisha’ in parties.


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