
YACAN & Partner Call For Passing Of Child Rights Bill 2022

In a bid to ensure that the Child Rights Bill is enacted, YACAN and the Child Rights Coalition are calling on the Members of Parliament to pass into Law the Child Rights Bill of 2022.

The kids and the Youth Organization reminded the government of its promise to protect children, which will ensure that parents and other people recognise the rights of children, and also their role as stakeholders to protect children. The Bill provides for the protection of the rights of children from child labour, early marriage, violence and torture, the provision of alternative discipline for child offenders, as well as make the kids know their responsibilities and their rights.

The children and YACAN are of the view that with the passing of this Bill into Law, their rights will be respected and they will be free from all forms of violence, torture, discrimination, forced labour and other vices against children. With this Bill passed into Law, they will be able to seek redress against violators of the Act, and will guarantee their safety and enhance their lives.

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