
Minister of Gender and Children Affairs Launches Women Environmental Programme


The Minister of Gender and Children Affairs, Honorable Isatta Mahoi on Friday 7th June 2024, has officially launched the Women Environmental Program, which is a Non-Governmental Organization seeking to address climate change and other environmental issues affecting women and children in the country.

The theme of the launching ceremony is “Feminist Accelerate Action for Sustainable Development” and the launching ceremony took place at the auspicious Big Brother conference hall at Syke Street in Freetown and it was sponsored by the European Union and other partners to amply the voices of women in championing issues affecting women in the environment.

On behalf of the Women Environmental Program, the Chief Executive Officer Madam Stalina P.H Voegli informed the gathering that the purpose of officially launching the organization is to unveil their strategy to members of the public and partners in addressing environmental issues affecting women and children in Sierra Leone. She added that, the Women Environmental Programme focuses on addressing gender injustices related to environment, economic, empowerment and social rights of women and young people in the country. Madam Stalina continued by stating that, their mission includes advocating for climate change awareness, natural resource management and land rights for women, proper environmental conflict resolution for women and empowering women and youth with vital information on climate change and other environmental issues. Madam Stalina went on by stating that, they have started engaging community stakeholders and school going pupils in the Western Area of Freetown on the adverse effect of climate change and other environmental issues in the country.

She continued by stating that as women, they are worried by the growing inequalities in addressing environmental issues that are affecting women and children in the country, emphasizing that, women are greatly affected by the adverse effects of climate change and other environmental issues in the country. She further raised concern by stating that gradually the world is failing to achieve gender equality in the fight against climate change and other environmental issues. She went on to say that the initiative ‘Feminist Accelerate Action for Sustainable Development’ is a wakeup call to ensure that women take their rightful place in advocating for their rights and protection in responding to environmental issues. This initiative, according to Madam Stalina will safeguard women in terms of creating their space in advocating for their environmental rights and responsibilities in responding to environmental issues.

“Whenever environmental issues strike, women always suffer major consequences,” she said, stating further that, it is now prudent for women to be included actively in decision making process on environmental issues. She mentioned that some of their objectives include sensitizing the public about climate change impacts on gender, adding that, they also seek to build the capacity of women in environmental management, renewable energy and water sanitation. She concluded by thanking their partners for supporting the worthy path of advocating for women’s environmental protection and rights.

Officially launching the Women Environmental Program, the Honorable Minister of Gender and Children Affairs informed the gathering that women’s leadership in environmental sustainability is crucial for driving positive change and addressing climate challenges in the country. She added by encouraging women to be at the forefront of advocating for sustainable environmental practices, climate action and environmental protection. The Honorable Minister continued by stating that, women have unique perspectives, skills and approaches that are very important in the fight against climate change and advancing initiatives that can promote a more sustainable future. She emphasized that women can bring diverse viewpoints to decision-making processes, leading to more comprehensive strategies for addressing environmental issues, adding that, research has indicated that women leaders are more likely to prioritize climate action and sustainable practices, contributing to long-term solutions for mitigating climate change.

Underscoring further, the Honorable Minister of Gender and Children Affairs stressed that despite the crucial role women play in environmental sustainability, they often encounter barriers such as underrepresented in leadership positions and gender biases, adding that, overcoming these challenges is essential to harnessing the full potential of women’s leadership in driving environmental initiatives. She further stated by applauding Women Environmental Programme for the initiative of bring women at the forefront in advocating for the protection and empowerment of women as against adverse environmental issues in the country. She further stated that, empowering women through initiatives like the Women Power 20230 project can accelerate progress towards achieving gender equality and promoting sustainability development which will go a long way in actualizing inclusion of women and supporting organization focused on environmental sustainability can create a more inclusive and impactful approach to addressing climate change. She revealed that feminist-led efforts like Women Power 2030 are instrumental in accelerating action for environmental sustainability by empowering women to lead initiatives that will drive positive change and address pressing environmental challenges.

The Country Representative for UNIDO Sierra Leone, Madam Mariatu Swaray also thanked the Women Enviromental Programme for the laudable initiative, adding that, she is a feminist not just because she is woman but because she is passionate about women’s empowerment and environmental protection in the country. She continued by stating that, it is imperative to note that women’s environmental management and feminism can play essential role in addressing climate change and other environmental issues in the country. She disclosed that women in developing countries are affected by environmental management, adding that, women should not be neglected on environmental management. She said that, when environmental issues strike women are always badly affected.

“When you talk to women they will tell u where the water is and where is the fire wood is but they are often not consulted when decisions are making,” she lamented, adding that, women should be consulted in leadership role and should be actively involved in decision making. She emphasized that we can create a more resilient country when women are prioritize.

The Environmental and Safety Officer of Orange Mobile Company Sierra Leone, commended the Women Environmental Programme for the laudable step in championing women’s environmental issues. He informed the gathering that, although they are telecommunication company but Orange Mobile Company is always taking a leading role in addressing environmental issues in the country. Recently, he disclosed that Orange Mobile Company planted a total of 3000 trees.

“Do we say we love our children when we are polluting the environment,” he asked, adding by congratulating the Women Environmental Programme for their worthy action towards ensuring the safety of women against harmful environmental practices.


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