
With ‘Sisterhood Is Strength’…

WIMSAL Celebrates 15 Years Of Existence

By Edwina SiaJanga

During a ceremony held at the Headquarters of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists on Campbell Street in Freetown, President of the Women in the Media in Sierra Leone (WIMSAL) Madam Femi Coker, expressed joy in being able to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the organization’s existence with the theme: “Sisterhood is Strength”. The meeting was graced by the Managing Director of the Rokel Commercial Bank, Dr. Ekundayo Gilpin, the President of the Bar Association, Edwina Swallow Esq. President of SLAJ, Ahmed SahidNasaralla, and headof 50-50 women’s group and members of WIMSAL.

In her brief statement, Femi recounted progress made so far since the establishment of the organization and congratulated members for staying the course. She also recognized those members who had passed away, praying for the peaceful repose of their souls. She further maintained that the organization has been able to withstand the3 storms that had buffeted it throughout the years, and today they are celebrating 15years of existence. She recalled the break-away of some members from the organization and hoped that they return and help form a formidable force of women.  She also recounted the formation of the organization 15 years ago at the Embassy of Iran, and prayed for the well-being of the then Ambassador who was a driving force behind the establishment of the organization. She thanked members and SLAJ for the support given to them amidst trying times and prayed for God’s blessings on all.

In his also brief statement, the Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank, Dr. Ekundayo Walton Gilpin expressed joy in witnessing the occasion, and admonished all to continue to help each other reach their desired goal. He recognized the role of women and stated that it is the empowerment of women that resonates with the Bank’s principles.  He recognized that the split from WIMSAL is not a new phenomenon, as teeth and tongue always hurt each other, but that in the end it helps all to grow stronger. He admonished them to continue to forge towards their goal.

Several other speakers made similar comments of commendation for holding the fort in the midst of all the turbulence. The ceremony was climaxed by light refreshments.

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