
RC Bank Holds Symposium on Cyber Security

The leading banking institution in Sierra Leone, Rokel Commercial Bank has on Thursday 22nd February 2024, held a one-day symposium on cyber security in Sierra Leone at the prestigious conference hall at the Freetown City Council.

The symposium which attracted stakeholders across the country was held in honor of Dr. Ekundayo Walton Gilpin, Managing Director of the Rokel Commercial Bank, who was awarded as Africa’s best Banker of the year 2023, in a highly competitive contest held in London.

In his address, Dr. Gilpin informed the audience that the award was hotly contested by other high personality in Kenya, Nigeria, Botswana, Ghana, and Zimbabwe, among others. Dr. Gilpin added that, bagging the award was a testament of his hard work at the Rokel Commercial Bank. He underscored the plethora role he has played in transforming the bank to an enviable institution. He explained further that the idea to host the symposium on cyber security and financial inclusion came into being at the Lord’s House in London, where he received the Best African Banker of the Year award.

Disclosing his plans for 2024, Dr. Gilpin stated that their aim is to create transformation system that will focus on the top five priorities areas of their banking facilities, adding by mentioning, Cashless Ecosystem, Banking Process Automation, Cyber Security Customize, Digital Transformation and Gender Parity. He disclosed further that the main objective of the symposium is to get stakeholders to see the need for schools to start programs on Cyber Security in the educational curriculum. Dr. Gilpin clarified further that; this will allow for sound capacity building on cyber security. He added that, this will further enhance better understanding on cyber breaches and make room for the protection of data and build on better regulatory framework.

‘’Digital Transformation and Cyber Security are thematic issues, with expertise to give a broad base analysis on Cyber Advantages and disadvantages, especially in a developing nation like ours,’’ he concluded.

The guest speaker, Mr. Lawrence McEwen, Executive Director of EST Applied Intelligence based in the United Kingdom, thrilled the audience with his expert lectures on the evolving landscape of Cyber Security in financial inclusion, recent cyber breaches and compromise lessons learnt.

In a round table discussion, in which he hosted guests from the public sector and a Ghanaian World Bank Cyber Expert.

Discussions among invited speakers various Strategic and Road Map, Awareness to a Board Analysis of the Global view on Cyber Security and its Advantages and disadvantages, which should not be neglected by individual, institutions of all private and public categories and organizations.

‘’The criminals behind Cyber insecurity are well organized and therefore protective actions are the only remedy,’’ they concluded.

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