
With their best influencers award…

WASMA to Award Social Media Content Creators

The West Africa Social Media Awards (WASMA) an annual event that recognizes and celebrates individuals and in the West African region who have made significant contributions to the social media landscape.

The awards ceremony honors excellence in social media marketing, content creation, community engagement, and innovation. The event is scheduled to take on the 11th of May 2024 in Holland. Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria and Gambia social media personalities will be competing against each other.

Participants are judged based on various criteria, such as creativity, impact, engagement, and overall contribution to the social media industry in West Africa. Winners receive prestigious awards and recognition for their outstanding work in leveraging social media platforms to connect with audiences, drive conversations, and make a positive impact on society.

The West Africa Social Media Awards serve as a platform to showcase and celebrate the talents and achievements of social media influencers, bloggers, digital marketers, and brands who are leading the way in utilizing social media as a powerful tool for communication and engagement in the region. The West Africa Social Media Awards will have a significant impact on the social media landscape in the region.

The event will help to recognize and elevate the work of talented individuals and organizations in the industry, inspiring others to strive for excellence in their own social media efforts. Additionally, the networking opportunities that will be provided by the awards will facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among social media fanatics, leading to innovation and growth in the field. Overall, the event will play a key role in shaping and enhancing the social media scene in West Africa.


Social media refers to a digital channel that allows interactions and networking by sharing information through online platforms. Social media is considered a powerful tool that has considerable influence in society, with over half of the global population super active in using it.

It is evident that social media is the bedrock of the great transformation of businesses, making it more accessible and easier to expedite business transactions.

Furthermore, with the introduction and rollout of the electronic teaching and learning systems, this digital interaction platform to contribute to advancing education, making educational resources more accessible. Over the years, there have been significant increase in the number of social media influencers who continues to use their popularity within their niche market to influence people into making decisions.

Despite this growing interest among these online personalities in influencing actions that promotes businesses and human capital development, there have been little or no effort to fully recognized the unwavering contributions of social media influencers to national development in each of the targeted countries within the subregion. Therefore, considering the urgent need to institute an effective system that will recognize and inspire social media influencers, as well as ensuring meaningful online engagements, Dr. Love Clinic and Love Inspiration Movement in collaboration with EXPLORE SIERRA LOENE will be organizing West Africa Social Media Awards (WASMA).

This is an effort appreciate individuals and institutions who have been contributing immensely to the socioeconomic development of each of the target African countries within the subregion.

This historic event will bring together various social media influencers, investors, national and international entertainers, entrepreneurs, social enterprises, stakeholders from government, private sector and civil society among several others across West Africa. 1.2 Objectives

  1. To contribute in ensuring at least 70% of the social media influencers from West Africa are motivated to contribute to national development within their respective countries, by December 2024.
  2. To establish a platform for experience sharing and learning from among social media influencers within the targeted countries in the subregion by December 2024.
  3. Promotes networking and collaboration among social media influencers within the subregion by December 2024.

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