
Labour & Social Security Minister Extols NASSIT DG

The Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Security, Hon Mohamed Rahman Swaray, on Thursday, 7th March 2024 lavished praises on the Director General of the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT), Mohamed Fuaad Daboh, calling him the beacon of development and social protection in Sierra Leone.

Speaking after a conducted tour of the construction site of the NASSIT Northwest Regional Office in Port Loko City, the Minister expressed satisfaction with the extent and nature of the job done, and the level of leadership displayed by the NASSIT strongman and his team in ensuring that the President’s human capital development drive is achieved.

The Minister stated that the construction of such an ultra-modern edifice in Port Loko town would not only bring NASSIT services closer to the people of the northwest region and build confidence in the sustainability of the Scheme, but would also greatly improve the infrastructure and landscape of the region. The Minister spoke about President Julius Maada Bio’s commitment and desire to make Port Loko a modern city.

On his part, the NASSIT Director General expressed gratitude to His Excellency for the confidence reposed in him to administer the scheme, and to the Minister, the Chairman and members of the Board of Trustees for their supervision and direction.

Fuaad Daboh explained that construction of a Regional office in the Northwest region was borne out of the desire to not only expand social protection to the greater majority of Sierra Leoneans but to also bring NASSIT services closer to its members.

He added that the edifice would provide job opportunities for the people and a conducive working environment for staff and customers.

Mr Daboh called on the contractors to give their best to ensure that the project’s completion timeline was met, while assuring the Minister and the Port Loko community of his commitment to the timeline and the fulfilment of the Presidential directives on Human Capital Development.

The meeting was graced by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Employment, Labour and social Security, Madam Fatmata Mustapha, the contractors, the NASSIT Project Management team, stakeholders in Port Loko district, the Deputy Director General in charge of Operations, Edwin Mohamed Kamara and other senior management officials of NASSIT and the Ministry of Labour. The Minister’s visit to NASSIT investment and construction sites will continue next week.

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