
As Stats SL Gears Up For 2021 Mid-Term Census Report Writing…

Statistician General Assures

The Statistician General, Andrew Bob Johnny, has assured that they have assembled some of the best minds to serve as lead writers for the 2021 Mid-Term Population and Housing Census that will commence today 16th October 2023.

The Statistician General, Andrew Bob Johnny added that, this gives him comfort that the reports will be nothing short of phenomenal.

Identified persons who are to serve as lead writers for the 2021 Mid-Term Population and Housing Census converged at Stats SL headquarters to discuss pertinent issues relating to the Thematic Report Writing which is set to commence in Bo from Monday 16th October, 2023.

Giving a short talk on the thematic report writing process, the lead consultant, Ibrahim Mohamed Sesay, who until recently was UNFPA’s Chief Technical Advisor for Censuses in Liberia, said that he is satisfied and confident that the report writing will yield the much-desired results.

The Ag. Deputy Statistician General, Lansana Kpewolo Kanneh, in a short talk informed all that the flat files for all the thematic areas had been developed so that logical and systematic comparison and analysis can be done.

Speaking on the terms of reference for the lead writers, the Director of Censuses and GIS who had served as National Census Coordinator for the 2021 MTPHC intimated the writers that the assignment will last for 45 days.

The former Statistician general, Prof. Osman Sankoh (Mallam O), who is one of the lead report writers, expressed delight at the thoughtfulness of having him on board the project. He expressed optimism that the much-desired quality of the reports will be actualized.

Moses Williams, Chairman, Stats SL Council, underscored that the 2021 Mid-Term Census has data available for even the smallest geographic units which was the primary intent for its conduct.

Some of the lead writers and their thematic areas are:

  1. Dr. Mohamed Sheriff –Outgoing Director General, Ministry of Agriculture (Agriculture module)
  2. Prof. Lawrence Kamara –Former Deputy Vice Chancellor-FBC (Life Tables Module)

3.Mr. Samuel Weekes –Former Dean of Economics – FBC (Mortality Module)

  1. Dr Jinah Momoh –Assistant Deputy Vice Chancellor/HOD-Geography–FBC (Census Atlas)
  2. Dr Joseph Macarthy – Njala University (Housing Characteristics)
  3. Mr. Samuel Jamiru Braima–Former Head of Department-Economics (Econonic Characteristics)
  4. Madam Mariatu Bangura–Chief Director of Social Services,

Ministry of Social Welfare (Children, Adolescents and Youth)

  1. Dr Brima Gegbe – Njala University (Population Projections)
  2. Mr. Samuel J. Burne–Ministry of Gender (Gender Module)
  3. Mr. Daniel Kaindaneh- (Nuptiality and Fertility)
  4. Mr. Barhalomew Bockarie–Head of Department of Population Studies–FBC (Population Structure and distribution)
  5. Mr. Braima Koroma– Lecturer, Njala university (Migration and Urbanization)
  6. Mr. Patrick HH Walker–Former Head of Department–Sociology–FBC (Education and Literacy)

The lead Editors are Prof. Osman Sankoh and Prof Bashiru of Njala University.

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