
The Blue Economy Can Actualize Sierra Leone’s ‘Feed Salone’ Agenda

By: Martin Maada George

Most countries in the globe, especially in Africa, have either created a Ministry of Maritime and the Blue Economy or have established a Department of Maritime and Blue Economy in the Transport Ministry.

The Blue Economy has been defined more appropriately to mean ‘the sustainable use of the oceans for the betterment of citizens.’ In essence, it is the emergence of coastal economy arising out of economic activities in the use of the oceans. However, the use of the oceans must be balanced with the long-term capacity of the oceans and coastal ecosystem to support the economic activities in remaining resilient and healthy.

In harnessing the Blue Economy, maritime transportation plays a salient role in protecting and promoting the economic activities undertaken in the oceans.

Following from the above, it is therefore important that Sierra Leone, as a Port, Coastal and Flag State, formulates and prioritize national objectives that inform policy document in relation to maritime transport. To achieve this goal, two (2) policy objectives can be pursued:

  1. To ensure a safe and secure port for vessels calling in the country, and;
  2. To ensure and enhance safety reputation of flagged ships of a country.

Safe and Secure Port/ Port State Control

It should be noted that the Port of Freetown has made huge gains and scored high marks in safety and security indicators. Most importantly, when the Port of Freetown passed the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code in 2018, it made our Port safe for ships to call at and leave same. Seemingly, a secured port enhances safety and reduces insurance cost on ships sailing to the country. We may agree that accidents are expensive- both in losing irreplaceable lives and cargoes. When our port is safe, it supports productivity and well-being.

Safety Reputation of Flagged Ships/Flag State Control

As a flag State, Sierra Leone is obliged to ensure that ships flying its flag obey safety regulations. This includes measures that ensure the safety of ship and its crew. It also entails safety of fishing vessels, as much as those vessels being registered and not engaged in IUU fishing.

I conclude, with a hallmark of caution, that the following can be achieved in a safe and secure maritime transportation regime:

  1. Increase in our economic growth through enhanced revenue generation from the blue economy.
  2. Creation of sustainable and economically viable jobs within the maritime sector
  3. Protection of the marine environment and conservation of the natural resources of the ocean
  4. Advancement of the ocean market and increased merchant and leisure fleets in the country.

As one of my ardent readers commented on one of my articles, quoting him verbatim: ’the blue economy is enough to finance our national budget if managed well’.

I believe we can #FEEDSALONE when we diversify our economy and manage resources within our #BLUEECONOMY.




Dear Hesitant Lover

To procrastinate has its virtues but to not love only to procrastinate has its downsides.

The time you enjoy wasting is NEVER time wasted.

I know you want the things I want and have to offer and want, yet you wonder if the speed of my wooing would equal that of my shooing. We all would still wonder if sugar is sweet until we decide to taste it.

You sit in my car and wonder how many others have listened to the same music, fallen for the same vibes and grown addicted to the same feeling of hearts fluttering. I sit next to you and wonder when would this payday reach. How many other lovers would I give my heart out to only to get hurt again, and the very love songs serve only the purpose of reminding me of the melancholy attached to love.

Dear Hesitant Lover,

You want the things I want too, but you keep on thinking that the things we both want can only be wanted and not had.

When I offer myself to you to want, wanting me means you would also need to have me and hold me, but if you see my lunch dates as launched attacks effective to bring down defences erected by tears and sweat, then my fair lady. You must be the one.

These precision attacks, coated with the light infantry troops of pillow fights and long cuddles that crumble your defence are only because to eat an egg we need to break the shell. To drink from the stream of unbridled love and bone-crushing orgasms one has to kneel. Both physically and figuratively.

Dear Hesitant Lover,

We both want the same things and we dare to even want more. Yet you wonder while I ponder.

While you play the game that the world assumes to be ordinary hook up on social media, sexual romps that guard that silly fluttering organ, remember:

That when your thoughts run amok and you shudder, when your heart beats so fast that you need to stop and take a sip.

When your chest heaves in euphoric bursts of orgasmic anticipation, your hands sweat, your pupils dilate and that succinct tingling of the nether regions continues unabated, please do not whisper. Kindly do not attempt to talk.

Live the moment, take the journey, climb the mountains, and swim across the rivers, because if you never do you would always be left to wonder and ponder. Was this the chance to have my hopelessly romantic lover or did my hesitation take away the joy of whispering I love you to one who deserves it?

Dear hesitant lover, love me or not, all at your peril. One fact remains the same.


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