
Election Bonanza…

Prices Of Commodities Increase

By Edwina Sia Janga


Many Sierra Leoneans were hoping that in President Bio’s second term, the lives of citizens will improve, but barely one month into his tenure, the prices of commodities have begun to rise exponentially, creating a heavy burden on the populace.

As we write, the cost of living has risen unbearably, courtesy of the recent increase in the price of fuel in the market, from NLe21.50 to NLe25 (Le21,500 to Le25,000). Transportation has increased with the normal kekeh that has taken over commercial cars (taxi) going for a minimum of Nle5 (Le5,000) per any short trip in the city, not to talk of commercial bikes, where the fare is based on negotiations, but not lower than the Kekeh fares. The Transport Ministry also released its own fare for all commercial vehicles in respect of travels across the country, but unfortunately, these are not adhered to, and the masses are left at the hands of these drivers and riders.

In light of the above, commodities brought from upcountry to Freetown attract higher fares, as the traders pay per head for their wares, in addition to their own fare. This results in a corresponding increase in the cost of the goods sold to consumers. Prior to the increase of the fuel price, onions had become scarce in the market, with one fairly big one, going for NLe30 (Le30,000). The cost of pepper per cup in the market is going for Le12,000 and Le10,000, depending on the type one desires, rice per cup is now Le5,000 and Le6,000, again depending on the type of rice one desires, a bag of rice is now going for Le650,000, Le720,000, etc. again, depending on the quality of rice one desires.

Amidst this current economic down turn, such an increase in the cost of living is very high and citizens are calling on the government to look into their plight and adjust things to reduce the burden on them. Suggestions in the Supplementary Budget of an increase in the tax regime is another concern to consumers, as any increase in tax will affect them, since traders and business people eventually pass on these taxes to them through the prices of their goods. Considering the current economic situation, this will not be a good move, as it will end up putting more burden on the consumers and will obviously affect their livelihood.

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