
APC MPs Pledge Support To DO EN TOKSamura Kamara

By Edwina Sia Janga

On Wednesday 8 February 2023, during an engagement with Members of Parliament, the Flag bearer aspirant of the All People’s Congress party (APC) for the June 2023 Presidential Election against President Bio, Dr. Samura Kamara, was unanimously endorsed by the MPs for the said position. Many heaped praises on his leadership quality and the need to support him for victory in the coming elections.

According to the 59 MPs, Dr Samura Kamara is the fittest to hold the position, and they believe that under his leadership the country will return to its past glory, which the APC can only bring to the country. The furthered that they will still remain the majority party in Parliament after the June elections and are ready to support him in his agenda to change the nation. The MPs invoked the Krio proverb that ‘it is better you stick to the devil you know than the angel you don’t know’. They recalled the progressive work of Dr. Samura Kamara during the administration of former President Koroma, and expressed their belief that he is most suited to run the country and provide the leadership the people are looking for. Dr. Kamara, they maintained has the winning team and that he will win the election in June and return the party to power. Others called for concerted effort to support the candidacy of Dr. Samura Kamara for the flagbearer and the Presidency, as he has what it takes to lead the country to prosperity. Various MPs pledged on behalf of their districts unflinching support to Dr. Samura Kamara, with the MP for Moyamba calling for consolidated effort to get the support of the entire Moyamba District, noting that the district is divided.

Buttressing the statements made by the various MPs on behalf of their districts, Leader of the main opposition in Parliament, Hon. Chericoco, thanked all the MPs for their support, and urged them to continue to embrace the unity that is being experienced in the party. He commended them for the wonderful role they have played in their respective constituencies. He then endorsed Dr. Samura Kamara’s bid for the flagbearer position, adding that all the support made by the MPs is from the bottom of their hearts, and with this support, he is confidence that the APC will win the Presidential election in June and will bag huge Parliamentary seats and other seats in the local councils. He stressed that the people of Sierra Leone were merely waiting for the APC to come out with their candidate, and they are ready to support the party to win the elections, as they are tired with the SLPP.

Acknowledging the support of the MPs, Dr. Samura Kamara expressed appreciation to them for being by him, and admonished them to continue to strengthen the unity in the party, he said the APC party is the only caring party in Sierra Leone, and urged them to serve the people as leaders. He said that he is not the ‘Tok en Do’ man, but the ‘Do en Tok’ President. He recalled the various disasters that had befallen the nation, like the Ebola, COVID-19, Mudslide etc, and commended the resilience of Sierra Leoneans in the face of all these catastrophes, adding that now is the time to address the economic challenges that has taken the country backwards. With the dollar rising at break-neck speed, resulting in serious increase in the cost of living.

Dr. Samura Kamara called on Sierra Leoneans to think about these things and vote wisely for someone that can transform their lives and address the bread and butter issue that the current government is unable to address. He assured MPs that the 8 seats they lost in Parliament will be regained this time around.

Dr Samura Kamara admonished politicians to clean the way they do politics, as they are not serving themselves, but the people of Sierra Leone, and need to do what is right for them. And to the APC, he called on them to come together and build a strong party, adding that they should put aside all their differences and look at themselves as brothers and sisters, for it is only in that way that they can build a healthy nation. He noted that the people of Sierra Leone are enlightened and are looking for better living standards and a better life from their leaders, and this, the APC should provide to them. He urged them to put aside any form of intimidation of opponents, stressing that such have no place in the APC.

The following MPs made expressed support and warm messages from thei respective districts to the Dr. Samura Kamara: Hon. Sallieu Osman Sesay, Hon. Alusine for the West West District, Hon. Saidu Baba Kamara from Port Loko, Hon.  Abdul Karim Kamara (AKK), Hon. Alusine Kamara from Karene District, Hon. Aron Harun Kamara from Tonkolili District, Hon. Lahai Kamara from Falaba District, Hon. Amadu Kanu from Moyamba District, and the Leader of opposition in Parliament, Hon. Chernor M Bah.

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