
In His Victory Speech…

President Bio Calls For Peace To Reign

Shortly after being re-elected for a second term, President Julius Maada Bio expressed gratitude to the people of Sierra Leone for electing him for a second term in office, adding that their verdict is as a result of the overwhelming support and trust in his leadership, and pledged to continue the transformational work that he began in 2018.

President Bio acknowledged the peaceful and transparent electoral process, which reflected the will of the people, and emphasized the importance of democratic values and the peaceful conduct of elections, adding that this has positioned Sierra Leone as a model for young democracies.

President Bio furthered that despite global economic challenges, his government has been able to achieve a lot in his first term, and outlined his priorities for the next five years. These priorities include food security, human capital development, job creation for the youth, revamping the public service, and technological and infrastructural development.

President Bio expressed gratitude to the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), and all those who supported him during the campaign, and called for unity among political party leaders, civil society organizations, and religious and traditional leaders to work together for the progress and prosperity of Sierra Leone.

President Bio then extended an olive branch to his rival, the opposition leader, Dr. Samura Kamara, and urged him to join him building the nation. In this vein, His Excellency stressed the need for all Sierra Leoneans to come together, set aside their political differences and work for the betterment of the country.

He also commended the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) for conducting a free, fair, transparent, and credible election, and thanked local and international observer missions, the media, and development partners for their contributions to the democratic process.

In his concluding statement, President Bio embraced the words of Abraham Lincoln, encouraging Sierra Leoneans to create the future they desire and deserve for their nation, emphasizing the importance of peace, and order in the development of the nation.

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