
Enhancing Female Participation In Politics…

#SheStands2023 Encourages RUFP Aspirants

By: John D. Mansaray

Members of Stop It–Sierra Leone and #SheStands2023, on Tuesday 16th May 2023, hosted the Vice Presidential and Mayoral Candidates of the Revolutionary United Front (RUFP) Party. Happening under the auspices of the West District Coordinator, Madam Alice Kutumu Pyne and Lilian Kamara. They met a cross section of the executive of Stop It-SL and #SheStands2023 at their 17 Off King Herman Road office in Brookfields, and exchanged courtesies and ideas that wrapped up to statements and commitments to action by the parties.


Incoming Western Urban District Coordinator, Pst. Mathew A. Kamara, opened the meeting with silent prayers, and the CEO of Stop It SL and the Lead Campaigner for #SheStands2023, Mr. John Koroma, welcomed the members, including the RUFP Mayoral Candidate, Madam Lilian Kamara, and briefly explained about the nexus between Stop It – SL and its flagship program – #SheStands2023; from its inception to its current form.


Mr. Koroma said that #SheStands2023 is an offspring of Stop It Sierra Leone, designed as a project under its Third Pillar (Human Development), which mainly addresses Gender and Governance issues. The #SheStands2023 programme was launched on 7th March 2022, and encourages, motivates and provides legal advisory and representation for female politicians; while also educating and training women in politics and political activities. As a result, women have widely accepted #SheStands2023 across the country. Mr. Koroma added that they now wish to encourage the RUFP Mayoral candidate to become a member of #SheStands2023. “SheStands will be an advantage for all women in politics to continuously engage their members during and after securing positions”, stated Mr. Koroma.


While presenting her plans to the audience, Madam Lilian briefly informed that she was better placed to compete hard in the Municipality of Freetown race, saying that she was confident she will turn the stakes in Freetown to be in her favour. The ambitious, but calm RUFP Mayoral candidate disclosed that her aim to become the Mayor of Freetown is to raise the economic development of the city, and to address issues affecting women.

As a result of this ambition, the candidate stated that women facing challenges of deprivation in diverse ways would be encouraged to rise to the occasion of taking the responsibility, through inclusion and participation, to decrease the threats facing them; and vowed to lead them in improving and facilitating their economic development in the city.


The ground was favorable for question and answer time, as this was effectively utilised by Pst. Mathew A. Kamara, who asked Madam Lilian Kamara about her plans for the city. Responding, Madam Kamara said they target football development for youth empowerment, as a career to produce professional players. This was further confirmed by her campaign manager, Mustapha Fengai Boima, who stated that plans are afoot to organise football galas in the municipality within the limited time available, in order to reach out to supporters during the campaign trail.

The CEO asked if #SheStands2023 would be included in their activities, owing to the fact that she has a lot of technical know-how and strategic planning to boost the political campaign trail. Mr. Fengai replied in the affirmative. Again, Mr. Koroma professionally advised the Mayoral candidate that she must map the municipality of Freetown within thirty days and train her team. He assured the candidate that #SheStands2023 would provide expertise in these disciplines that could be used to train the members to benefit in a day. Also, he spoke about the provision of legal assistance services to members facing electoral challenges.

The former Secretary General of the RUFP, presently serving as the Vice Presidential Candidate, Madam Alice Katumu Pyne, said she would do anything in her capacity to support female aspirants to achieve their aspirations, and mentioned some of the impacts of her contributions towards gender equality within her party, and boastfully spoke about #SheStands2023’s contributions and achievements that she’s been part of in the past and present situation. “Some of these interventions have upgraded women’s understanding about politics in the party’s system and the country”, Pyne told audiences.

Pst. Mathew A. Kamara asked Madam Katumu Pyne about her plans, and she spoke about addressing the situation of women and children facing acute problems of growth, human rights violations, food insecurity and justice for gender equality in the country. The hopeful VP of the RUFP said she would tackle government for paying little attention to the issues of women and children facing acute problems in these areas. According to her, she intends to focus on agricultural development to soften rising poverty levels, food insecurity and reducing the dependency ratio, but that she would also prevent the prices of rice and other imported goods in the market from skyrocketing.


Madam Susan Oya Bangura is the National Coordinator for #SheStands2023, and asked Lilian and Madam Pyne about what would be their relationships with #SheStands2023 in the next five years, even if they lose. The RUFP N0 2 replied that she will always collaborate with #SheStands2023 and informed that she was starting this collaboration by filling the gap in Kailahun District, which has remained the only district left out of the establishment of the programme, with a female nominee as District Coordinator.

Mr. Koroma concluded the meeting by advising the RUFP Running Mate and the Mayoral Candidate not to relent on their ambitions, and assured them about #SheStands2023 unflinching support to women always. The Administrative Secretary of Stop It Western Rural District, Mr. John D. Mansaray, thanked the attendees.


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