
Amb. Qing Articulates China’s Commitment To World Peace & Development

By Amb. Wang Qing

Peace, like sunshine, is hardly noticeable when we benefit from it. Facing the ever-changing era in this turbulent world, people of all countries have increasingly strong expectations for peace and tranquility. For a long term, China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order, committed to taking responsibility for world peace and contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to global security.

In February, China issued the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper to further elaborate on the initiative’s core ideas and principles as well as the 20 priorities of cooperation and 5 categories of platforms and mechanisms. They could be summarized as follows:

1) Upholding the UN’s central role in security governance.

2) Promoting coordination and sound interactions among major countries.

3) Facilitating peaceful settlement of hotspot issues through dialogue.

4) Tackling traditional and non-traditional security challenges.

5) Strengthening the system and capacity for global security governance.

The Global Security Initiative (GSI) has been widely commended and warmly received by the international community, among which more than 80 countries and a number of international organizations have expressed appreciation and support.

On the occasion of the 1 year anniversary of the breaking of Ukraine Crisis, China released China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis, which takes into account the legitimate concerns of all parties and reflects the broadest common understanding of the international community on the crisis. It has been constructive in mitigating the spillovers of the crisis and facilitating its political settlement. During his visit to Russia in March, President Xi Jinping had an in-depth exchange of views with President Putin on the Ukraine issue, He emphasized that the more difficulties there are, the greater the need to keep space for peace. The more acute the problem is, the more important it is not to give up efforts for dialogue. On April 27th, President Xi Jinping President Xi Jinping spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the Phone. President Xi pointed out that the Ukraine crisis is evolving in complex ways with major impacts on the international landscape. On the Ukraine crisis, China always stands on the side of peace. Its core stance is to facilitate talks for peace.On Ukraine issue, China has no selfish political motives in this and will not engage in geopolitical manipulation. China is sincere in promoting peace talks and ending hostilities. This is part of China’s commitment to living up to its responsibility as a major country.

China has actively engaged in mediation diplomacy and made unremitting efforts for resolving conflicts, calling for peace, and contributing to the realization of long-term peace and stability in the world with its practical actions. On March 10th, the Beijing dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran achieved major results and reached the Beijing Agreement, which clarified the roadmap and timetable for improving the two nations’ relations. On April 6th, the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Iran successfully met in Beijing and announced the restoration of diplomatic relations. Since then, there has been a wave of reconciliation in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia and Oman have pushed for a political settlement of the Yemen issue. Qatar and Bahrain decided to resume diplomatic relations. The Syrian foreign minister visited Egypt and Saudi Arabia for the first time after more than ten years. Nine Arab countries including Saudi Arabia met to discuss the return of Syria into the League of Arab States. On April 12th, China released China’s Position on the Afghan Issue, which covers 11 aspects, including supporting moderate and prudent governance in Afghanistan, supporting peace and reconstruction of Afghanistan, supporting Afghanistan in countering terrorism resolutely and forcefully etc. China stands ready to help Afghanistan embark on a path of stability and development at an early date.

This year also marked the 31st anniversary of China’s participation in UN peacekeeping operations (UNPKOs) with its first formed military unit. Over the past 31 years, China has sent more than 50,000 peacekeepers to nearly 30 UNPKOs in over 20 countries and regions. A total of 25 Chinese peacekeepers have made the ultimate sacrifice. Being the largest troop contributor to peacekeeping operations among the five permanent members of the Security Council and the second largest contributor to UN peacekeeping assessments, China has become a key actor in UNPKOs.

Chinese civilization is characterized by peace, amity and harmony. China upholds that the whole world is one family and we should promote coordination and cooperation between all countries with solidarity and common development in harmony. As the biggest developing country, China always keeps in mind the greater good of the whole world. The Chinese path is a path toward development of China, through which more positive energy will be added to global peace and new opportunities created for global development. In the future, China will stand firm on the right side of history and the progressive side of humanity, continuing to work with all peace-loving sides in the world to jointly safeguard the peace and tranquility of mankind and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

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