
Stats-SL Ends Regional Stakeholder Engagement On $30M HISWA Project

Stats SL has concluded 4 days Regional Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), under the Harmonizing and Improving Statistics in West Africa Project (HISWA). The SEP, funded by the world bank under the HISWA project, assembled stakeholders in the North-West at Port Loko, North-East at Makeni, East at Kenema and South at Bo. This SEP follows the engagement that started in the Capital, Freetown, two weeks ago, targeting stakeholders from Market Women’s Association, Traders, Students, Teachers, The Forces, MDA’s etc.

Making a statement and a presentation at each of the engagements across the country, the Statistician General/CEO of Stats SL, Andrew Bob Johnny, emphasized that in-as-much-as HISWA is a national/regional project, it is also a community based project, since the communities where Stats SL operates are the targeted beneficiaries. He encouraged them to take ownership of the project to ensure it succeeds.


The HISWA Project’s Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist, Hindolo Momoh, enlightened attendees at each of the meetings on stakeholders’ identification, mapping and involvement in the project, as well as the grievance redress mechanism (GRM), through which concerns and complaints at the project implementation sites can be channelled.


The SEP sought to engage stakeholders at the project implementation sites across the country to get their buy-in before the commencement of critical project components; like the construction/Remodelling of the Stats SL HQ on Tower-Hill, which is starting soon, alongside construction in the other district headquarter towns where Stats SL has offices.


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