
Beware Of Fake Pregnancy Scammers

By Paul S. Dangha (Environmental Scientist)


To all the women hoping on God for the fruit of the womb, don’t be too gullible to be scammed. Another dark practice gaining traction is the “Fake Pregnancy Scam“.

There are a lot of Medical Crooks out there, what they do is to inject you with what, I don’t know, and BOOM! Your menstruation ceases, your tummy starts getting bigger, mimicking pregnancy. It’s similar to phantom pregnancy or Pseudocyesis. It’s fake, it’s pure scam!

Once they tell you that:

  • Don’t confirm or reconfirm your pregnancy with ultrasound elsewhere, because they won’t see the embryo/fetus except in their healthcare/clinic, or don’t do any pregnancy test elsewhere, because you won’t get a positive/desired result,
  • Don’t go for ANC anywhere else, just believe that you are pregnant.
  • You must register and deliver your baby in that same clinic or fertility center.

Just know say na dem! You are on a long thing.


Today, women are encouraged to get pregnant before “he puts a ring on it” in order to prove their fertility. This situation puts immense pressure on couples, especially women. Many turn to prayers, fertility treatment, adoption and other options, but there is a dark side.

The pressure has created a dark underbelly – illegal adoptions involving the purchasing of babies via “Baby Factories“.

Others turn to false prophets, who in many cases, sexually abuse women and also extort money.

Note that all the examples below feature “fake pregnancy scams”, which took place in Nigeria and then were revealed in the UK, due to the nature of their social welfare system.

There are reportedly hundreds of similar cases in Nigeria, which go undetected. In addition to the actual “fake pregnancy”, the other side is the source of the babies. These babies are either stolen or bought from baby factories.


After trying to have a baby unsuccessfully for several years, the couple travelled to Nigeria, where the woman received fertility treatment at a private clinic. She was given medication after the procedure, and experienced pregnancy symptoms, including a swollen stomach.

She returned to the clinic months later and was sedated. When she regained consciousness, she was handed a baby and was told she had given birth.

On her return to London, a General Practitioner raised concerns. The child was taken into care and a DNA test proved the child was not related to the couple.

After thorough investigation, it was found that the couple were victims of “an appalling scam”, and a judge ruled they could keep the child. The presiding judge added that the case was “extraordinary, bizarre and worrying”.

This is a slap on the Medical System.


Calm down Madam, don’t be too desperate, patronize a professional, not criminals or scammers. The herbal doctors are not left out. Possible outcome would give you more emotional stress, compared to the time you were hoping for the fruit of the womb, thinking that you were infertile/subfertile, your mental health matters too.

Be vigilant!

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