
Politicking of Alusine and Alhassan…

Gbassay: hangry man nor get choice!!!

By Edwina Sia Janga

After several years of calling them out for what he described as the bad politics of “kleptocracy, gangsterism and machismo” perpetuated by Alhassan (SLPP) and Alusine (APC), Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella (KKY) has finally taken a surprising 360 degree U-turn by reuniting with the SLPP under a framework of what they now called a “Progressive Alliance”. However, critiques say there is no semblance of progressiveness in an SLPP/NGC alliance because KKY’s behavior resembles that of the proverbial dog that returns to lick its vomit.
When the likes of Dr. Dennis Bright and other senior NGC executive members at home and in the diaspora resigned from the party in protest of KKY’s move to back Julius Maada Bio in the forthcoming elections, many progressivists thought that he would rescind that decision to keep the NGC as a formidable third force, but low and behold, KKY insisted on carrying out his agenda at the expense of public trust and the sustainability of the NGC. Today, the die has been cast, and the man, they say, has revealed his true colour.
Many right-thinking Sierra Leoneans have since the signing of the SLPP/NGC alliance taken to social media to express their discontent with KKY and his NGC. The discontentment is rooted in the fact that the once-trusted politician who spoke unequivocally of how the economy has been battered under this regime is now seen endorsing the very people who have plunged the country into the economic mess. it now finds itself.
To many people who once shared similar ideology with the ‘Gbassay’, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, are now in the wilderness battling with their conscience for abandoning the Alusine and Alhassan political parties and give their allegiance to the NGC party.
Some of the NGC supporters that felt so disappointed by the action of Dr. Kandeh Yumkella have described him as a self-serving human that does not have the country at heart. They further told this medium that, contrary to their initial plans for forming the NGC party, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella has blatantly abandoned their course, which was to change the political ideologies formed by Alusine and Alhassan.
As we draw nearer to the June 2023 elections, many people believe that to change the politicking of Alusine and Alhassan requires people with integrity and not just people with sugar-coated tongues like Dr. Kandeh Yumkella.

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