
Stats-SL Holds Technical Meeting for the 2025 Census

As a way to officially kick-start and show strong commitment to the conduct of the December 2025 Decennial Population and Housing Census (PHC), Stats SL, with support from the United Nations Fund For Population Affairs (UNFPA), has concluded Inaugural Advisory and Technical Committee Meetings.

The meetings for the two committees, held on two separate days (Tuesday, Advisory and Wednesday, Technical), were meant to determine the composition of both committees and to review and adopt the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Present at the Advisory Committee meeting, the highest decision making body of the census , were nominated members from the two major political parties in Sierra Leone –The All People’s Congress (APC), and The Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), The All Political Parties Association (APPA), Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone, Council of Paramount Chiefs, The Security Sector including the Office of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), the office of National Security (ONS), etc.

For the Technical Committee, members were drawn from Development partners including the UNFPA, the UN Country Team (UNCT), the European Union (EU), Department for International Development (DFID), The World Bank, Universities and other relevant MDAs.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman of Stats SL Council, who also doubles as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee, Moses L. J. Williams, stated that the advisory committee is the governance structure that makes and implements policies, and also monitors the conduct of other committees and subcommittees for the 2025 PHC, whilst the technical committee is responsible for the technical aspect of the Census, including but not limited to reviewing and finalizing the Census instruments and tools.

In the same vein, the Development Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Peter Sam-Kpakra, mentioned that no nation would develop without accurate data. He therefore called on Sierra Leoneans to give their full support.

Making a statement to committee representatives in his capacity as the Chief Census Officer, The Statistician-General, Andrew Bob Johnny expressed delight at the overwhelming attendance from committee members.

Mr. Johnny summed up his statement by affirming his institution’s capability and readiness, if all necessary resources are available, to conduct the most successful census ever in the history of the country.

The Deputy Country Representative of UNFPA in Sierra Leone, Sibeso Mululuma, expressed the value UNFPA places on the Census process. She mentioned that UNFPA is fully determined to work with Stats SL to effectively plan, commence, and produce quality Census data that meet everyone’s needs and international standards.

She also emphasized the need for quality control measures and maintaining the best ethical standards throughout the Census process.

The Deputy Statistician-General, Lansana Kpewolo Kanneh, made a detailed presentation explaining the entire Census process and activities that would be undertaken before, during, and after December 2025.

Mr. Kanneh declared that Stats SL would require a total sum of $37.5M to conduct the census of which he says, the Government of Sierra Leone has pledged through a cabinet paper, to provide $33M as their contribution to funding the process. He thanked the government for the pledge which he says showcases the government’s commitment to the census.

The meeting climaxed with the committee members reviewing, adjusting, and adopting the composition and the ToR for the advisory and technical committees.


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