
NASSIT & MELSS Engage Indebted MDAs

The National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment Labour and Social Security (MELSS) on Thursday 15th July 2024, engaged highly indebted sub-vented institutions.

The engagement was held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Aberdeen, in Freetown.

Among the highly indebted Ministry Department and Agencies are NaCSA, Sierratel, Port Authority, NatCA, National Leprosy and Tuberculosis, College of Theology and so on.

In his keynote addressed, the Minister of Employment Labour and Social Security, Mr. Mohamed Rahman Swaray in handling over the indebted letters to the various sub-vented institutions stated that, “several years back in London, I found a stockpile of letters, none of them was opened. It was one thing. Uncle, what kind of letters are these? I said I know the contents of those letters. If they are UK letters, it’s about repayment either for services or something else. If it’s coming from home, it’s some problem. So, I don’t need to open those letters to know the contents.” He further added that, “I’m sure it’s the same thing in the room now. It’s exciting that you came. But it’s important also that you did.”

The Honourable Minister further stated that, those indebted institutions that failed to attend the meeting should not be granted any magnanimity to pay but to apply the full force

of the law by dragging them to court. He further emphasized that, they have not treated the meeting with the seriousness it deserves. Therefore, he stated that, should not enjoy the benefits of a negotiated settlement. He recalled that, when he took up leadership of the Ministry of Labour, he went across the country to come face-to-face with the realities of the challenges in the sector.

“In many of the instances, the problems are as a result of us in leadership that don’t read about laws in the sector,” he emphasized, stating further that, many in the room have not read the NASSIT Act. He continued by stating that, this is a challenge that he has thrown and the possibility for us to ignore important provisions is always very high. He further added by appealing to everyone to have a copy of the NASSIT Act. He continued by stating that, the issue is very close to His Excellency the President’s heart and that he wants to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience in the labour sector. One way to achieve this, he stated that, is by ensuring that we pay our social security contributions.

“The Deputy Director General of Operations was quite clear. The lifeblood of social security systems everywhere in the world depends on contributions and investment proceeds,” he stated, clarifying further that, if you don’t pay the membership contributions, there will be no investment income. So, he urged that it’s really very important that all institutions pay their NASSIT contributions. He further stated that the payment of NASSIT provision is a major ILO provision that should be treated with the utmost respect. He disclosed further that NASSIT and the Ministry of Labour will not hesitate to prosecute any institution that will not honour their NASSIT contribution, stating further that but they have been very magnanimous to ensure that they engage the relevant institutions before punitive actions can be taken to ensure compliance.

“When Social Security institutions collapse, they even can instigate the change of government. I don’t want that to happen with this administration or any other one,” he assured, adding that, So, we have to get a little rough. He continued by stating that, many institutions prefer to pay contractors, suppliers but will fail to pay their NASSIT contribution.

“After this conversation, if the DG tells me many have complied, your effort at mediating this matter did not go in vain. That’s what I would like to hear,” he expressed optimism,

On his part, the Director General of the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) Mr. Fuaad Daboh stated that they have their natural medium of reaching out to delinquents and incestuous institutions.

“But this method today is deployed by our Minister, because as I saw, he wants to intercede between us and, of course, the delinquent institutions, as most of you hear. So that is why we are here today on his accord. But let me just highlight a few things here. Social Security is a human rights issue by ILO Convention 102. It means that every individual within a community or society has rights to be protected,” he said, emphasizing that, social protection is a must. He further underscored that, they have huge non-compliance issues, particularly on departments, agencies, and commissions. He went on to say that the establishment of the Social Security Court mandates them to take to court or to prosecute, as the lawyers will say, any institution that default.

The Act, he stated is very strong, adding that, the Act gives them the power to establish a court, which they have done.

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