
SLPP & APC Unite Against Early Child Marriage

In a significant move towards protecting the rights of young girls in Sierra Leone, members of parliament from both the All People’s Congress (APC) and the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) have joined forces to combat the issue of early child marriage. This collaborative effort marks a crucial step in addressing a pressing social concern that has long plagued the country.

Earlier, Her Excellency Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, the First Lady of Sierra Leone, convened a meeting with the female caucus in parliament at the committee room. The primary agenda of this gathering was to discuss and present to parliament a bill aimed at tackling early child marriage within the country.

The proposed bill is designed to provide legal safeguards for young girls who are often coerced into marriage against their will. Early child marriage not only deprives these girls of their right to education but also exposes them to various health risks, including sexually transmitted diseases. By enacting this legislation, Sierra Leone aims to protect and empower vulnerable girls who are at risk of being forced into early marriages. The collaborative efforts of members from both the APC and SLPP demonstrate a shared commitment towards safeguarding the well-being and future prospects of young girls in Sierra Leone. By uniting across party lines, these parliamentarians are sending a powerful message about the importance of prioritizing the rights and protection of vulnerable populations within the country.

The unity displayed by Sierra Leone’s APC and SLPP members of parliament in addressing early child marriage reflects a positive step towards promoting gender equality and safeguarding the rights of young girls. Through legislative measures such as the early child marriage bill, Sierra Leone is taking concrete actions to combat harmful practices that undermine the well-being and development of its youth.


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