
Sierra Leone To Host Sley Awards On 26th November 2022

Sley Awards, the Mano River Union zonal awards for the successful youth in businesses in Sierra Leone, has brought together creative leaders from different corporate institutions, such as Dr. WALTON EKUNDAYO GILPIN MD Rokel Commercial Bank, Legal Aid Boss, MADAM CLAIRE HANCILES, European Union AMB. MULLER, NRA commissioner Mr. IBRAHIM SORIE KAMARA and Sierra Leone Ports Authority MR YANKUBA ASKIA BIO, all of these people have agreed to speak to the youths concerning economic development strategies to create more job opportunities that will help reduce joblessness in Sierra Leone and within the Mano River Union community.

Sley Awards is actually more than just an award, as it sheds light on developmental values that can help develop businesses, as well as promote businesses through multiple engagement and policies made by the government that are aimed at ensuring that the youths meet their obligations in creating more local businesses to boost the government support towards young entrepreneurs, as the event shall be coming up at the prestigious Atlantic hotel on the 26th November 2022, from 5pm through 11 pm officially. This event was put together by Pan-African multimedia agency owners of Pocket TV, an entertainment audiovisual platform showing on ITV-K3 and Satcom, with the popular king of red carpet and an exceptional touch of red carpet hosted by OSHMONEY JOHN, the pan African journalist.

Sley awards shall be hosting the same show in Liberia and Guinea in 2023 to create more awareness for local businesses within the sub region (Mano River Union) as the slogan ‘says’ SLEY AWARDS – promoting businesses.

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