
The Battle For Kono…

Bio Vs Samsumana

By Edwina Sia Janga

As Sierra Leone prepares for the June 24th General Elections, which includes the Presidency, the two main political parties in the country (SLPP and APC) are clamoring for the hearts of the Kono people, and it is clear that Kono will have to play a vital role in deciding who takes State House in June. Both parties have their strongholds, but that is not enough to give them the Presidency, as both have made inroads into each other’s strongholds, hence the need to woo Kono.

According to Hon. Sahr Paul Sam, President Bio of the SLPP has made some 10 visits to the district since coming to power, and recently, he was in Kono, preaching his achievements in office in the last 4 plus years, and giving reason why the people of Kono should vote for him for a second term. Bio is the first President of Sierra Leone to lay the foundation for the construction of a University in Kono. Under the leadership of his able lieutenant and Deputy Secretary General of the SLPP, Dr. Robert Chakanda, Bio’s government has been able to revive agriculture in the district, build small bridges in hitherto vast expanse of water, thereby joining communities and facilitating trade between neighbors, as well as movement of people. Chakanda is a son of the soil and highly respected by his people.

Furthermore, shortly after President Bio’s engagement with the people of Kono, the Mayor of Koidu Sembehun City, Komba Sam, officially declared his support for the SLPP, and re-election of President Bio, and could be the SLPP campaign manager in Kono. Also, there is news that some 39 Councilors have crossed over to the SLPP, people that were in the District Council on the ticket of the C4C, established by Chief Samsumana. All these officials are natives of Kono and wield huge support from the Kono populace. They are also said to be bringing along their supporters. The fact that President Bio and team have been regularly courting Kono, is a testimony of the importance of the district in the coming elections.

As things seem to be taking shape in the main opposition party (APC), there are indications that Chief Samsumana, former Vice President of the party, and a big stakeholder in Kono, is among the top runners in the race for the Running Mate of Dr. Samura Kamara, the APC’s standard bearer for the Presidential Election, and is likely the preferred choice of the party. It is yet to be seen whether the candidacy of Chief Samsumana for the position of running mate, may change the entire situation. The former Vice President is an indigene of Kono, and has a huge stake there, as can be seen in the 2018 elections, where the party he formed (C4C) virtually bagged all the Parliamentary seats, except for one that the main opposition party took. Also, his party cleared all the Council seats, including the Chairman position. The question now is whether Samsumana will be able to repeat that feat in the coming elections under the ticket of the APC.

Whilst some people see his task as herculean, there are those who believe that he has a huge control over his people, and his voice holds sway in Kono. Some C4C members say that they voted for Samsumana because of the way he was treated by the APC then, but will they be willing to support him under the same APC ticket. Some political analysts say that in the 2018 elections, the Kono people sent a message that they are a force to reckon with, and should not be toyed with, and now that there is a clear realization of their importance, there is still the great possibility that they will vote en mass for the APC, especially if the son of the soil, the most popular candidate in the district, Chief Samsumana, is chosen as running mate. Even the much talked about rift between Samsumana and a daughter of the soil, Diana Konomani, has now been settled, and both strong voices in Kono have teamed up to deliver Kono to the APC, and eventually State House. 

The die will soon be cast, and the race for Kono will start in earnest between the SLPP and the APC; between Bio and Samsumana. Will the people of Kono be willing to forgo their son, who, if the APC wins, will be the next Vice President of the country, or will they throw their support for the SLPP, who, if it wins, will simply offer ministerial positions to some of their sons? Which of the two is vital to the people of Kono? We shall be watching with keen interest.

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