
NASSIT Engages Multinational Companies

By Bonnke Fofanah

In an interacting manner, on Friday 26th April 2024, at Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel Aberdeen, Freetown, the National Social Security and Insurance Trust has engaged Multinational Companies.

The theme for the occasion was the role of multinational employers in the enforcement of the NASSIT Act NO. 5 of 2001.

The chairperson for the session was the Chief Executive Office for the Sierra Leone National Petroleum, Mr. Kobbie P. Walker, in his opening remarks, Mr. Walker, the CEO of Sierra Leone NP, started by expressing his sincere appreciation to all the invited guests. He continued by appreciating NASSIT for organizing such curtail. In his intelligent voice, Mr. Walker told the gathering that the essence of organizing such a program was to emphasize the role of multinational employers in the enforcement of the NASSIT Act NO. 5 of 2001 in an interactive manner. He went on saying that the necessity for dialogue with regards to the theme could not be overstated. Mr. Walker, clarified that the motive for organizing the event goes beyond the customary exchange of pleasantries. He said that the essence of the gathering was to interface with one another, to build bridges of understanding, and to dissect the intricacies associated with employers’ obligations under the NASSIT framework. Mr. Walker, further stated that it was very much imperative that as a pillar of economic development in Sierra Leone, multinational employers draft the full scope of their duties – not only for compliance, but for the sustenance of a system that safeguards the financial security of employees, local, and foreign. He said that the enforcement of NASSIT Act NO. 5 of 2001 was not a one-sided effort. He said that it relied on a symbiotic relationship between regulatory bodies and employers. He therefore said that it is incumbent upon them to foster an environment where adherence to the Act would not be a mere legal formality, but as a moral commitment to the well-being of their workers.

Mr. Walker further punctuated the minds of the gathering that during the discussion, he wished all present to approach the conversation with opened mind and a shared goal of enhancing their understanding of the NASSIT Act NO. 5 of 2001. Mr. Walker beseeched all and sundry to seek collaborative ways to re-foster the pillars of social security by ensuring that the mission of NASSIT to ensure social protection and promote the welfare of all their employers who have worked assiduously during their working life to support the growth and sustainable agenda of their various multinational institutions across the country. He thanked all and sundry for their patience and dedication to the work of the organization. He urged all present to take positive actions that would catapult the organization to a positive change. He concluded by saying that the organization looked forward to having positive discussions with all its employers regarding its growth and development.

In his welcome statement, the Deputy Director General, Honorable Hassan Kannah, welcomed all and sundry to the session. Hon. Kannah further appreciated everyone for attending the event. He therefore encouraged all and sundry to enjoy the pleasant moment in an interactive manner. In a bid to formally declare the purpose of the gathering, the Deputy Director General of NASSIT, said that where there is no role; there is no development. In lieu of this, he told the gathering that the purpose of the event was to emphasize the role of multinational employers in the enforcement of the NASSIT Act NO. 5 of 2001. Hon. Kannah, informed the gathering that the curtail idea was born out of the burning desire of the Director General of NASSIT, Mr. Daboh, to ensure that the organization works with multinational employers for the future safety of all their employers including foreign employers. He further said that every employer within the organization have key role to play in ensuring the growth and development of the organization. He concluded by thanking all present for listening attentively to his submissions.

Delivering the keynote address, the Director General of NASSIT, Mr. Fuad Daboh started by acknowledging the presence of all and sundry. He told the gathering that the essence of the curtail was to share knowledge concerning the social security of the nation. He urged all and sundry to recognize the fundamental principles that every individual regardless of their nationality or migration status deserved to be treated with dignity and afforded quality social protection. The Director General of NASSIT, Mr. Daboh appealed to every worker to be registered into the social security scheme. He continued by saying that it is imperative that all individuals regardless of their nationality contribute to and benefit from social security. He continued by saying that they have observed strong multinational companies have not fully complied to the provisions of Act NO.5 of 2001, particularly regarding the registration and payment of social security contributions of their foreign workers working in Sierra Leone. He continued by saying that the unfortunate situation posed threat to the goal of the organization. Continued with his submission, he said that as the Director General of NASSIT, it behooved him together with his team to ensure that the Act is fully implemented. He told the gathering that NASSIT is a statutory body trust and charged with the responsibility of addressing the Sierra Leone Pension Scheme, register all employers and employers, collect social security and contributions, manages workers data and pay social benefits to members in time to come, adding by citing section 33 of Act NO. 5 of 2001. The Director General, Mr. Daboh, said that the Act requires all workers to comply by its provisions. He continued by saying NASSIT as an organization has the right to enforce social security laws on its membership, stating further by citing section 27 of the Act, Mr. Daboh told the gathering that the Act stipulated compliance for all its members. Having cited the above section, he said that they have realized that most multinational companies are not complying with the provisions of the said Act. He therefore encouraged all and sundry to refrain from such act as its pervert’s social justice.

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