
NDA Committee Resolves Dispute In Nimiyama Chiefdom

To address a dispute among some aggrieved people in Kono, a Committee was set up, and this Committee commenced its work. Before leaving for the Chiefdom, a meeting was held about the procedures to be used for intervention in this internecine conflict, in order to present a clearer narrative and build peace in the Chiefdom and provide accurate information to all who read the articles. Brother Patrick Fatorma played the host at his office, where in attendance, were Ibrahim Sourie Mansaray, Sahr Moiguwa, Apostle Abu, Sahr Nyande and Brother Patrick Fatorma hosting the contingent. Hon Tom was unavoidably absent, but kept in touch with members during and after the meeting. The team left Freetown for Jaiama Sewafe on Friday 28 July 2023. On arrival at Ngo town, calls were made first to Section Chief Mangolla Marrah, one of the aggrieved parties, and his community in Nyangoiya to enquire what he was aggrieved about. The team visited him at his village where a meeting was held to hear the problem (s).

Chief Mangola narrated his ordeal at the hands of thugs led by Alex Ghandi. He stated that he was molested in front of his family, and four goats were carted away by the invading group. The team explained the purpose of the visit and admonished the aggrieved party to be law abiding, and invited the chief and his brother to witness the reconciliation meeting scheduled for Saturday at the Native Court Barry in Sewafe.

The team arrived in Sewafe and paid a courtesy call on Madam Isatu at the Sewafe Junction. She was allegedly molested by thugs led by Alex Ghandi. The team explained the purpose of the visit and invited her to attend the meeting slated for Saturday at the N.A Barry. The next stop was at the residence of the Paramount Chief, who warmly received the delegation and expressed willingness to participate in the process.

On Saturday the 29 July 2023, a meeting was held between the aggrieved parties and the alleged perpetrators at the Nimiyama Administration conference hall

Mangola reiterated what he narrated in Yoromaiah. He said on the day of the Muslim Pray Day for the feast of the Dunkisali, while he and his Muslim friends were at the evening prayers at about 7:00pm, he heard a number of motorcycles, about ten in number, entering the village. They suddenly stopped at his residence, where his elder brother, the Town Chief, Amara Marrah, went to see what was going on. On arrival at the scene, Amara found Alex Ngandi alias Koekpaa, a youth who had stayed with the Marrah family in the past, enquiring about the whereabouts of Chief Mangola. Alex, who led the group, sat at the Chief´s High Chair, while the other youths stood outside the house. Amara asked them what the matter was. Alex asked for the Section Chief, Mangola Marrah, and was told by Amara that the Chief was out of town on a trip to another village. Mangola said Alex informed them that the Paramount Chief had sent them to the Section Chief to ask for his contribution to the celebration of the victory of the SLPP party. They wanted some goats to prepare food for the planned celebration. Amara responded that since the message is from the Paramount Chief, he would need to inform the rest of the village about the Chief´s message. At that point, he went into his house and brought out two bottles of alcohol drink, popularly known as Charger, and Ten Leones. This did not please the convoy, so they raised a Poro Secret Society shout that warns non-members to go indoors. The congregation at the mosque and other non-members ran to their houses.  At this point, the boys outside broke into Chief Mangola´s goat pen and carted away four goats on their motor bicycles.

Chief Mangola, he continued, came to the scene from the mosque to ascertain what was going on. He and Chief Amara are both members of the Poro Secret Society. On arrival, Chief Mangola found the other motor bikes speeding away with four goats. He found Alex Ngandi alias Koeokpaa, Saidu Paopa, and another youth with two sheep, waiting for the Bike rider, who claimed to have lost his key to the ignition of the motor bike. Chief Mangola held him by the collar of his shirt and started questioning him as to why he was involved in this vandalism. While the altercation was going on, one of the passengers on the Motor bike sprayed some irritant on Chief Mangola´s face. The Chief let go of Alex´s shirt, which allowed Alex and the others to flee, without the two goats. Mangola scrambled to chase them, but could not, and the perpetrators fled.

He furthered that following this, Mangola called the Paramount Chief to complain about the incident, he added that acid had been sprayed in his face and was in pain. At that point the Paramount Chief told him to go to the hospital to save his eyes and then report the matter to the police. The next day, Mangola paid a call at Chief Ghandi’s residence and narrated his ordeal. According to Mangola, after narrating his ordeal, he then met the Chiefdom Speaker, Philip Koroma, who advised him to visit the hospital and receive some treatment. He said he went to the Koidu Government Hospital and later went to the Catholic Eye hospital at Mabesseneh for treatment. The matter is at the police for investigation.

In the meantime, it was alleged that Mangola´s secondary school daughter sent the information on social media, which went viral without being verified. Her story was taken up by the press and reported as a case of Political Tension in Kono, specifically Nimiyama Chiefdom. It was further alleged in a newspaper article that it was the SLPP party intimidating people who did not vote for the President in the June 2023 elections.

Alex Ngandi, in his submission, said that they went to Chief Mangola because this was the usual case when political parties win, as they intimidate opposing party members. So they too were carrying out what was a revenge. He however denied the fact that the Paramount Chief sent them. Alex said ten of them went to Chief Mangola´s village at Sandeya/Nyanguiya. He furthered that as youths, they were irritated when they asked for Mangola and were informed that he was out of town, adding that when Amara came to meet them, everything was amicably resolved until the Bouncer (alleged security to Mangola) appeared with a knife and scissors in hand to attack them. He stated that the stance of the security prompted the fracas. Alex referred to the Secret Society shout as a show of appreciation for the gesture Amara showed to them by presenting the two bottles of alcohol.

Aiah Sewa, one of the alleged perpetrators, confirmed that they went to Chief Mangola´s village peacefully in Taama section. They were told that the chief was out of town. While they were having dialogue with the chief´s brother, Amara Marrah, a very hefty young man, referred to as the Chief´s Bouncer, appeared with a knife and scissors to attack the group, leading to chaos and the capture of goats. So what was supposed to be a peaceful request turned into an open confrontation.

Amara Marrah, the Town Chief of the village, who was the Section Chief´s brother, said that what his brother Mangola has said was true. He said the young men had no Party dress. They informed him that the Paramount Chief sent them to collect plassas (sauce) for their merrymaking. He added that a mobile phone belonging to a visitor from Matotoka was snatched from him by the boys, adding that the substance sprayed on Chief Mangola´s face was in a bottle that contained liquid disinfectant. He said that before he arrived at the scene, the youths met Chief Mangola´s daughter and told her they were there to decapitate her father. So this was the reason for her to inform them that her father was out of town.

The Committee questioned the boys, whether they were sent by the Paramount Chief, but they stated categorically that it was not the Paramount Chief who sent them.

The Committee asked the youths if they were in Chief Mangola´s shoes, whether they would be happy. They all answered No. They then informed the committee that since they have accepted committing serious breach on Mangola, they are doing what tradition demands: At this point, the youths present, showed a sign of remorse by openly apologizing to Chief Mangola and posed for peace photo on their own volition.

Isatu or IS, this lady sells at a cookery shop at the junction of the main highway in Jaiama Sewafe. She explained that on Tuesday the 27th of June 2023, when the results of the Presidential elections were announced, that she was approached by some youths, Momodu, Mohamed and a third that she did not know. Momodu slapped her suddenly and abused her. She said she was mercilessly molested and beaten by these SLPP supporters, who alleged that she used the campaign T-shirt of President Maada Bio to remove her cooking pot from the three stone fire place, and also wiped her dirty plates with the T-shirt, in open disdain for the President of Sierra Leone. She also alleged that all the women who sold at the junction were asked to close their stalls forthwith. She denied using the T-shirt as rag. IS told the committee that she is a peace-loving Sierra Leonean, and even brought out all the SLPP campaign T-shirts she had in her possession, which were in pristine clean condition. She said her store was vandalized and Alex Ngandi, alias Koekpaa, chased her younger daughter with a knife in hand, because she wanted to return to the store to pick up some clothing. Following the incidence, one of the SLPP supporters, Kadusu, was supportive of her and warded off more attacks on her. She said she still feels body ache from the beating. At that point in the explanation, Alex vehemently denied any such wrong doing. He said he was not even at the scene of the fracas between her and anybody. At this point Aiah Sewa, who represented young people in the Chiefdom Committee, said the reason she was rusticated from the store was that the store was used to smoke the synthetic drug known as kush. Aiah Sewa also said that I S’s sister was taking a video of the altercation between them and they wanted to stop her.

Paramount Chief George Bockarie Torto, in his interview, said he received an emergency call from his appointed Section Chief in Taama section, indicating that some youths have poured acid liquid in his eyes. The report he received was that he had been attacked by youths who stole his goats, sprayed acid in his face and beat him and broke his hand. He said this report was so alarming that he feared for Chief Mangola’s health, and asked him to go straight to the hospital and then make a report to the police. He said he referred Chief Mangola to the police and hospital for his safety. However, when Chief Mangola came to see him the next day, he did not appear like someone who had acid thrown in his face, because there were no scars or corrosive marks. The committee informed the Paramount chief that Mangola may not have known the type of substance and therefore could not have stated whether it was pepper spray or something else.

At the Barray meeting

With regards to the audio making the rounds on social media, the Paramount Chief said it was his intention to suspend the Themne Tribal Head, Ibrahim Sesay, for numerous lapses. He said he had received many complaints of offences caused by Themne people, who he was to control, adding that on many occasions, Ibrahim had told him that he was afraid of the Themne people and could not control them, so he thought it necessary to have him suspended, so he could deal with the situation.

Chiefdom Committees: The Paramount Chief said the Chiefdom council is charged with the responsibility to undertake and coordinate administrative and development programs within and around the chiefdom, and to report its activities to the chiefdom through the Speaker/Paramount Chief for approval. He stated that the chiefdom is governed by bye laws, as stated in the Local Government Act. He stressed that all what he and his chiefdom authorities are doing is to enforce the laws. The Paramount Chief graciously submitted copies of the bye laws to the committee. He indicated that he is acting within the law and all his decisions are backed by the various committees set up by the Chiefdom Authorities. Sub committees are established for mining, agriculture, timber logging, traders, etc. The recommendations and programs of the subcommittees are implemented by a Taskforce.

Chiefdom Speaker, Philip Musa Koroma, in his contribution, said I S and the other store owners at the main junction made their store premises available to youth peddling the dreaded synthetic drug, ‘KUSH’, to school going children and youths. As authorities in the chiefdom, he said, it was their bounding duty to protect young people from the ravages of the drug menace, therefore they asked all the store owners to close those stores until they can assure the authorities that they will not encourage any illegal peddling of drugs.


The Committee the proffered the following recommendations:

  1. The Authorities to respond promptly to any incidence of human rights violation and perpetrators to be instantly identified, investigated and prosecuted
  2. Difficulties and disconcerting situations to be dealt with in-house before seeking external input
  3. To avoid inflammatory social media publication as much as possible when dealing with administrative issues
  4. To ensure that political and ethnic inclusiveness is reflected in the committees where possible, and necessary
  5. Political tolerance must be explicitly emphasized by the authorities at all times
  6. Laws to be in place to prevent political intimidation at all times
  7. Bye-laws to be clearly explained to all subjects in the chiefdom
  8. Authorities to avoid showing overt support for/dislike for political parties
  9. Inform political parties that their interactions must not lead to disaffection among the people of the chiefdom
  10. Committee to call up a public meeting to popularize these recommendations if approved by chiefdom authorities


In a follow up visit to the Chiefdom, the Chairman, Ibrahim Sourie Mansaray, paid a visit to Jaiama Sewafe on the 3rd August 2023 for family matters. During the visit, the Paramount Chief had summoned a general meeting of all Tribal Heads and Section Chiefs at the Court Barry, scheduled for 4th August 2023. At a jam packed meeting, the Paramount Chief thanked all the Chiefs for holding the fort, and admonished his Chiefdom Authorities and citizens to observe the bye laws and respect for the rule of law. He graciously re-instated the suspended Themne Tribal Chief and urged the reinstated Chief to continue working with the Chiefs and his people, as he has shown great respect and loyalty during his suspended days.

Other Chiefs thanked the efforts of NDA and called for continued peace in the chiefdom.


Members of the committee was comprised of:

Ibrahim  Sourie Mansaray- Chairman,

Patrick Fatoma,  Member

Apostle  Aiah Abu,  Member

Sahr Nyande,  Member

Sahr Moigua  Member

Chief Imam Janneh  Member

Komba Nyandemor, Member

Hon Tom Tucker   –       Member

Francis Gbondo- Absent

Pastor Israela- Absent


Aggrieved Persons

  1. Mangola Marrah
  2. Isha at the junction
  3. Ibrahim Themne tribal head

Suspected perpetrators

  1. Aiah Ngandi Koeo kpaa
  2. Sahr/Aiah Sewa
  3. Other youths

Persons of Interest

  1. Paramount Chief George Torto
  2. Chiefdom Speaker Philip Bockarie Koroma


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