
Bryan R Decker Bags Le50m Star Prize Of Africell’s ‘Di Hut’ Promo

By Abdul Rahman Bah

On Wednesday 3 May 2023, at a ceremony held at its Wilberforce Head quarter, Africell gave out 50 million Leones to a winner of the Ramadan ‘DI HUT’ promotion, Bryan R Decker Junior.

Nancy L Toure, Assistant Media Manager of Africell, during the occasion, gave brief background of the Ramadan DI HUT promo, maintaining that this is a promotion which Africell, through Afrimoney, is trying to give back to their subscribers, and the promotion demands that one could send blank message to 777 at the cost of NLe 1 and be able to used that credit before 24 hours, and for Afrimoney subscribers , they should only use the minimum of two Leones to send blank SMS to 777, which could give them three chances for the draw. She furthered that a winner will have NLe 1 thousand every day, based on their choosing from one to twenty, which will determine their winning, also other people are lucky to go where the grand prize is, ‘the Garden’, while others went to ‘the Market’, where they have different prizes, and ‘the School’, lastly ‘the Pharmacy’.

During the occasion Nancy listed ten lucky winners of Ramadan promotion prizes across the country, which is MFI and cash prizes, adding that it depends on what you choose from the promotion is what you get, and other lucky winners also won 1000 new Leones. She added that five subscribers bagged Le 50 million, which is the grand prize. John Marrah from Makeni, Bashe Fennoh, Joseph Sannoh from Kono, Gibrilla from kenema and Bryan R Decker Junior from Freetown, all bagged 50 million Leones each.

John Konteh, Africell Media and Marketing Officer, earlier, welcomed everyone to this wonderful occasion, furthering that the promotion started on the 23 March 2023,  during the Ramadan, stressing that the promotion was not only for Muslims, but for their subscribers around the country. He maintained that the process was very easy, and that what people need to do was Just send blank SMS to 777 and stand a chance to win prizes, disclosing that Bryan is the very lucky winner for the Grand prize of 50 millions Leones, but that there is law which is governs such payments, which has to do with taxation.

Bryan R Decker Junior, in receiving the prize, gave a brief background on how he won the grand prize. He said that he bought 500 MG from Afrimoney, which is 7.5 Leone, adding that when he received a call from a strange number telling him that “you have won 50 millions Leones”, he was afraid  and gave the caller a wrong name; Abu,instead Bryan, but later knowing that the call was from Africell, he was very happy to have won the Star Prize..

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