
Local Content Agency DG Warns Defaulters Of Tough Actions

On Wednesday 1st march 2023 at 21 Steward street, Freetown, the Director General of Local Content Agency, Fodeba Daboh, informed the public about the state of local content across the sector.

Director General of the Sierra Leone Local Content Agency, Fodeba Daboh, in his press statement, said that he has worked for the agency for the past four years, and being a regulator, they owe no one apology, and their mandate is to ensure sufficient increase and enhancement of foreign and Local investments in the economy, and anything short of that is a violation. He also said that section 40 of the Act dictates that all companies are required to submitted their plans, so that will enable monitoring of their plans, adding that in so many engagements with companies, they have noted the violations in the implementation of local content across the sector, and the institution has written to them that they have broken the law. He stressed that it is their duty to let public know about the companies that have failed to do so: Leontect, Easy Solar, Fena trading Company, Super Golden Limited, Orange Sierra Leone limited, Rainbow Painting Chemical, Capitol Food, Manfract Trading Limited, Sierra Diamond, CSC Company, CRFP Company, Forbin D shipping, Mackcline Sierra Limited, Bintumani Hotel, Atlantic Lumley Hotel, and Tombai. These, he said, are 16 Companies that have failed to submit their local content plan.

Mr Fodeba Daboh said that the local content is here for the people of Sierra Leone, designed to create Jobs for Sierra Leoneans, adding that it is the vision of the President to promote Local Content. This agency was set up to seek the welfare of the people, and that they will not allow any company to violate the laws, and any violator will face the full force of the law (Section 69, 70, 71 and 72 refers).

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