
NASSIT Holds Engagement With Informal Sector Stakeholders

By Abdul Rahman Bah

On Thursday 23rd February 2023, NASSIT held a nationwide engagement with stakeholders in the Informal Sector to validate report on the Focus Group Discussion on the establishment of the Social Security Scheme for the Informal Sector at the Freetown International/Bintumani conference Centre, Aberdeen, Freetown.

The Director General of NASSIT,Fouaad Daboh, said that when NASSIT started in Sierra Leone they were abandoned, but now twenty years down the line,they are grateful for the progress made since the establishment of the Trust.He furthered that together they will continue and end together. He expressed happiness in having to work with the informal sector committee. and for the key partnerships of the ILO, UNDP and the world Bank.

The deputy Minister of Labour, Hassan Dumbuya, thanked everyone and the Government of President Bio and NASSIT for their contribution towards development.

Earlier, Chairman of the program, Oju Collier, in his statement, welcomed everyone to the program, and encouraged everyone to work with NASSSIT as the Trust is there for everyone.

Mrs. Victoria Mansaray,Technical Communication Officer, on behalf of the Technical Communications, welcomedeveryone and thanked them for gracing the program.

A representative from ILO, Shegu from Nigeria, said that this is a very important program, adding that the informal sector plays a very important role in the development of the country, because they cover the largest part.

A Representative from the UNDP, Phebian,also expressed appreciation to NASSIT for the program, adding that the UNDP has been supporting NASSIT and the government of Sierra Leone, and the will continue to give their support to NASSIT, disclosing that last year they supported the informal and formal sector in the country with $10’000

A Representative from Labour Congress, Vandi Lansana, said that NASSIT is very important because it caters for our old age, and that they should support NASSIT.

The Informal Sector Chairman, Edwin M Kamara,commended the DG for building a committee which could help in moving the NASSIT businesses, known as the road map, incorporating the different groups, like the technical group, formal and informal group and the labour Congress.

Consultant from Coastarica, during their work in Sierra Leone, have discovered many issued that they intend to give the government and NASSIT, which could help the informal sector, and will advise the government and NASSIT on how to handle the people in terms of financial services, and also the transportation issue that is affecting the people.

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