
With Attractive Prizes Up For Grabs…

Brewery Celebrates 60th Anniversary In Grand Style

Sierra Leone’s number one brewing company, Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, has commenced celebration of its 60th anniversary, and the management is of the view that since the existence of the company has been due to the patronage of its valued customers across the country, it deems it fit to celebrate with the people of Sierra Leone. In this respect, it will be holding shows in various parts of the country: After the Gigibonta show last Saturday, which was a successful occasion, the team will be in Bo, and early December in Freetown’s Victoria Park, for eastern Freetown; and early January, they will be in Makeni, Northern Sierra Leone.

Commencing the celebration last weekend at Gigibonta, the Brewery had entertainers like artists and comedians performing during the celebration. Several attractive prizes were provided for a raffle draw that took place during the celebration, such as: Iphones, Freezers, Microwave, Televisions etc.  It was also revealed that the same raffle draw will take place in all the events they will be holding across the country. Entry into the show is free, except that when one enters the show, he is required to buy a drink, and buy raffle tickets, which will immediately qualify him for the raffle draw.

Currently, Brewery is in Bo, where it has again engaged artists, comedians and other groups of entertainers to perform, and people who join in the celebration will stand a chance of winning any of the attractive prizes. After Bo, the team will leave for the Victoria Park in Freetown, where similar celebration will be held and similar attractive prizes available for grabs by lucky winners. Early Next year, the brewery team will hold the event in Makeni, where the same entertainers, including indigenous entertainers, will perform and prizes won.

According to the management, Brewery has been sponsoring various groups and institutions, but has taken a long time since it celebrated its anniversary, as a result, this 60th anniversary is being done in grand style.

Brewery believes that in celebrating their anniversary, they should be giving out prizes to Sierra Leoneans, as a way of appreciation for patronizing them through all these years.

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