
Allow Us To Bury Our Gunned Down Comrade With Dignity’

Author: Titus Boye-Thompson, London

It is hardly my will to write on specific issues relating to individual cases but this is one time that an exception has to be made. In penning this piece, I want to appeal to the humanity in all of us Sierra Leoneans. I do not want this to be seen as a political satire or for it to be looked at as a lambasting of state institutions but would rather have this to be looked at as a case for a more rounded assessment o the matter before all those named herein.

I write to ask for the release of the body of comrade Hassan S. Dumbuya of Makeni, commonly known as The Evangelist Samson of the APC social media campaign team. Comrade Hassan Dumbuya was gunned down on the 14th August 2022.  This is a private appeal, devoid of any political persuasion but looking only to the rational thoughts of citizens of this country.

As Sierra Leoneans, we are all aware of how much score we put on the passage of our loved ones to the next world. If it has been the calling that this our Comrade should exit the stage in this way, we have no argument against that because as at the Christian believes, all things are possible to God. It is God that giveth, so it is only God that will taketh away. I am making this plea to the government institutions, the police and other investigating authorities to hand over this man’s body to the family for burial. Let the dead be allowed to go in peace, and let the living continue to mourn them as we should.

I was awakened to this cause this morning by the lament of a lady whose cry is that the state has refused to release the body of her late loved one. Subsequent reports deny that this is the wife or grieving widow of Evangelist Samson however, the circumstances of her status must not detract from the fact that the keeping of the body for any period outside that which is necessary for a reasonable examination must be avoided.

No one will argue that the widow and family of Evangelist Samson are also not in mourning. Of course, at the death of a husband and father, the general expectation is for the widow’s cry. The widow cries because she cannot face the reality of what has happened and up till now, she knows no other way to get closure. It is also for the family, the children, brothers, sisters and parents in deep mourning that this appeal is being made so that they can bury their kith and kin and make it possible to shorten their sufferings at this time.

It is interesting that another comrade was also moved by this cry for the release of the body to put out a voice note on the matter. What he said was instructive and correct. The death of such a man as Evangelist Samson cannot go without a proper investigation and yes indeed, had this incident or killing happened in the first World, the body would not be hurriedly given over for funeral, What is not stated however, is that whatever needs to be done to ascertain the cause of death should not be unnecessarily delayed and once that has been clearly identified, the body must be handed over for burial.

Sierra Leonean culture and religions puts a great store on ceremonies for the dead. It is humane that we treat the dead with some modicum of respect at their times of passing.  Evangelist Samson had a unique style. He made his name by his vociferous nature, though not intending to offend, his usual style has always been melodramatic. He met his death in circumstances that are yet to be made clear but what is not in doubt is that he can be said to have died before his time. It is for this reason of untimely death that his loss is so regrettable. Let me therefore call on all concerned to double their efforts and let us take our brother home to Makeni for burial!

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