
Orange-SL Updates & Appreciates Journalists on Their 2023 Activities

By Abdul Rahman

The leading Telecommunications Company in Sierra Leone, Orange Mobile Company on Monday 11th December 2023, engaged their Media partners on their 2023 activities.

On his part, the Director of Sale’s Department, Mr. Alpha Bondo underscored the important role that the media have played in promoting their brand and activities over the year, adding that, 2023 is a remarkable year as they were able to maintain steady working relationship with the media. Mr. Bondo further highlighted their activities and programs to meet their customers’ satisfaction. He assured members of the press that they will provide the needed services of their customers.

On his statement, Mr. Kamal Abass highlighted some of the achievements of Orange Mobile Company from 2017 to date. He commended their team for the remarkable job they are doing since the establishment of their brand.  He added that Orange Mobile Company has played significant role in the economic development of Sierra Leone.  He continued by stating that they are one of the major employers in Sierra Leone and they have direct and indirect staff both male and female. He further stated that they have made immense contribution in the educational sector and they have supported the installation of solar in 84% of their sites. He further recalled that the renovation of the Beamy Primary School which was spearheaded by their Chief Executive Officer Mr. Shekou Amadu Bah. He continued by stating mentioning that the Orange Social Venture Prize is another support to the youth of this country and it was designed to identify and inspired young talents.

Speaking on behalf of the Orange Foundation, Madam Memunatu Sesay underscored that Orange Foundation seeks to help the less privileged in the country. She added that they have been rendering their unflinching support to organizations like the SOS children’s and other less privileged homes. She continued by stating that they have supported schools with tablets throughout the country.  She disclosed further that they have provided capacitated youths in Information Communication and Technology.

Representative of the Marketing Department, Elizabeth stated that they have designed several programs in support of young people in the country. She continued by stating that the Tik Tok challenge is primarily designed to support the youth and a prize of ten million was placed for the winner.

Representative from Orange Money, madam Isha has set the stage for financial inclusion in the country by making it easy to send and receive money. She added that with Orange Money App you will be able to buy goods and transferred orange money at ease.

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