
With support from Oasis Inc. USA…

CHOWCHIN Supports the Less Privileged & Physically Challenged With Learning Materials in Kambia

By Abdul Blessing Kamara

With funding from Oasis Inc. USA, the Christian Hands On Women and Children in Need (CHOWCHIN), currently based in Kambia District, Northern Province of the Republic of Sierra Leone, has donated learning materials to the less privileged and physically challenged children in Kambia District.


The donation exercise took place on Wednesday 30th August 2023, Kambia City Hall.

The donation exercise was electrifying as the less privileged Parents and Children were singing praises and thank you songs to God Almighty and members of CHOWCHIN for coming to their aid.


A total of l40 less privileged and physically challenged children benefitted from the donation, 70 from Kambia and 70 from Freetown  benefitted from the donation exercise of uniforms, bags, books, shoes, and writing boards.

In a heartfelt display of compassion and commitment to uplift the less privileged in Sierra Leone, was highly commended by stakeholders in Kambia District. Many considered it as huge boost to the educational sector in the country especially in harnessing the educational potentials of the physically challenged school children in Kambia District who often are left out because of their disabilities.


The occasion brought together key stakeholders in the Educational Sector including a representative of the Paramount Chief, the Deputy Director in the Ministry of Education in Kambia, a representative of the Ministry of Social Welfare, a representative of the Office of National Security, Sierra Leone Police, the Executive Director of the Welfare Society for the Disabled (WESOFOD) as well as the esteemed Board Chairman of CHOWCHIN, Mr. Ken Farmer.

Pastor Emmanuel Fomba the Admin and Finance Manager welcomed all in attendance and informed the audience that the Christian Hands on Women and Children in Need was established in 1997 and has been giving support to women in need and the less privileged children in Freetown, but has now extended the opportunity to less privileged and physically challenged children in Kambia. He stated that in previous years, CHOWCHIN has been financing this project alone hence the limited outreach of the program, but this year’s program is made possible with financial support from Oasis Ministry Incorporated USA

The Board Chairman Mr. Ken Farma informed the audience that the organization decided to extend the privilege to Kambia because in the history of the country, no President of the Country has come from Freetown. This means they are potential President and Ministers among the children in the audience and from all the districts. More so, they are giving attention to children from less privileged backgrounds and those who are physically challenged because they are deeply in need of these support services.

The Representative of the Paramount Chief, Dr. Nabieu Yillah stated that the school materials distribution ceremony was an emotional and joyous occasion, as children from disadvantaged backgrounds, with disabilities, and their families received much-needed supplies, including textbooks, stationaries, bags, Shoes, crayons, uniforms etc. He further stated that these materials are vital in ensuring that these children can access quality education, breaking the cycle of poverty, and opening doors to brighter futures.  He appealed to parents not to substitute the school materials for other children not listed in the scheme.

One of the most inspiring aspects of this initiative is its focus on the inclusivity of physically challenged school children by providing support to the physically challenged children with disabilities; CHOWCHIN sends a powerful message of equality and opportunity for all.  For CHOWCHIN Inclusivity is not just a word: it’s a principle that brings to life action that acknowledges the potential and worth of every individual, regardless of their physical abilities.

Mr. Alimamy Kanu, the Deputy Director at the Ministry of Education in Kambia reiterated that the event exemplifies the crucial role that NGO’s like CHOWCHIN play in fostering positive change within communities, and in supporting Government Free and Quality Education programs across the country. Through their dedication, they not only provide immediate assistance to those in need but also advocate for systemic improvement in the Education Sector, He appealed to Parents to make good use of this gesture, by supporting the children to go to school each day and create a conducive atmosphere at home for them to study after school.

Mr. Umaru Bah of the Ministry of Social Welfare in Kambia on behalf of the recipient children and family members thanked the Board and Management of CHOWCHIN for this noble course. He reiterated the need for parents to show by their actions that they fully appreciate this opportunity.

As we celebrate the achievement of CHOWCHIN in Sierra Leone, this august event served as an inspiring example of what can be accomplished when organizations, government agencies, and communities unite for the greater good. The smiles on the faces of the children who received school materials and the songs of appreciation from the parents are reminders that a small act of kindness can have a profound impact and sow the seeds of hope for a better tomorrow.

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