
Sierra Leone Stands at a Crossroad

By Alpha Amadu Jalloh

Sierra Leone, a land of great potential, cultural diversity, and historic resilience stands at a crossroads today. Our country, shaped by the struggles of colonial rule, civil war, and the pursuit of genuine democracy, possesses the resources and the human capital to thrive.

Yet, despite these evident blessings, we find ourselves staring at a reality that can only be described as divisive and fragmented. This society, which should have harnessed its differences to create a robust and inclusive national identity, seems more comfortable with discord. The tragedy is that we are content living by the maxim: “Divided we stand, united we fall.” Nothing could be more detrimental to the well-being of our beloved Sierra Leone.

Every child who has grown up here has recited the national anthem and pledged loyalty to Mama Salone. Yet, in our public discourse, our community interactions, and our leadership, we see daily evidence of how these promises remain largely unfulfilled. The words of our anthem reflect the hope of building a nation that is cohesive, strong, and prosperous. That anthem reminds us that each of us has a role to play, whether we are politicians, religious leaders, traditional authorities, or private citizens. And still, we witness a disturbing trend: our diversity, which ought to be our strength, is weaponized to benefit only a few, leaving the majority disillusioned and disconnected.

At the crux of the problem lies a fundamental truth: Sierra Leone’s leadership, be it political, religious, or social, bears significant responsibility for perpetuating these divisions. This is not to say that leadership alone bears the blame; ordinary citizens also subscribe to and perpetuate stereotypes, tribal sentiments, and religious prejudices. However, when leaders exploit these fractures for political or personal gain, they effectively institutionalize the notion that progress can only come at someone else’s expense. The result is a tragic inversion of national unity, a Sierra Leone that stands tall in its divisions but crumbles whenever unity is called upon.

In this context, we see a toxic “us versus them” mentality taking root. This mentality cuts across all sectors, politics, religion, ethnicity, and even youth subcultures. Instead of recognizing each Sierra Leonean as an essential block in the edifice of national development, we have been led to view one another as threats or competitors. What begins as a mere difference in perspective often metastasizes into animosity and hostility. Our founding fathers and mothers understood that after independence, we had a golden opportunity to forge a Sierra Leone that leveraged its cultural mosaic and thriving communal spirit. Yet, somehow, in the years since, that unity of purpose has crumbled, exposing a deeper social imbalance.

One might ask: How did we arrive at this point? The answers are complex, woven into the fabric of our history. Tribal and regional affiliations have always been central to our identities. Before independence, these affiliations lent structure and meaning to communities under colonial rule. After independence, however, they were supposed to evolve into a diverse national tapestry, enriched by the unique qualities of all sixteen ethnic groups that call this nation home. Sadly, these affiliations have instead been exploited by some politicians to create strongholds of power, pitting groups against each other rather than forging collaborative platforms for national advancement. This kind of manipulation is perhaps the greatest threat to our progress.

Moreover, the economic structure of Sierra Leone feeds this fragmentation. Economic opportunities are not equally distributed; entire regions feel left behind. With limited educational and employment prospects, community members turn to the most readily available sources of hope or power, which too often are divisive political or sectarian networks. These networks thrive on discontent, using it as leverage to gain power or sway public opinion. Instead of remedying the root causes of poverty, they fuel a cycle of dependence that only deepens mistrust and division.

Religion, which should be a source of moral grounding and unity, has not remained unscathed. Sierra Leone has long been admired as an example of religious tolerance; the interfaith harmony that our Muslim and Christian communities once enjoyed was, and is, celebrated.

However, even that record of tolerance has suffered under the stress of political opportunism. When religious leaders align themselves with politicians who propagate divisive narratives, congregations often follow suit. This is not an indictment of religion itself, but rather of how it can be co-opted for narrow interests. The moral leadership that religious bodies could offer encouraging peace, empathy, and unity is compromised when they become parties to partisan battles.

We must also look at the role of social institutions, such as educational systems. If our schools cannot instill in the younger generation a sense of pride in Sierra Leone’s collective identity, then we cannot expect our children to unify the country when they come of age. Education should be the cornerstone of nation-building, fostering an environment where young minds learn about diverse cultures, histories, and languages. Instead, an underfunded, poorly resourced educational infrastructure leaves many young people ignorant of one another’s backgrounds. The result is the perpetuation of fear and suspicion of the “other.” When we fail to create a curriculum that celebrates our collective heritage, we fail to cultivate the empathy so desperately needed to rebuild fractured communities.

To be clear, the cost of these divisions is not merely social or political; it is also economic. Investors, both local and international, hesitate to commit to regions where tensions run high or where political favoritism dictates who is allowed to conduct business. The lack of unity undermines confidence in our institutions, making it less likely that the necessary reforms, investments, or projects will come to fruition. This in turn aggravates existing inequalities and leaves our youth especially vulnerable, with limited paths out of poverty or unemployment. The best and brightest among us often leave for greener pastures, draining the nation of human capital that could otherwise be used to strengthen unity and spur innovation.

Given these realities, it’s easy to lose hope. However, Sierra Leone’s history also teaches us about resilience and the possibility of redemption. After a devastating civil war, we managed to rebuild some semblance of normalcy. If we could navigate the treacherous waters of post-war recovery, surely, we can learn to see the beauty in our differences and build cohesive communities. Doing so will require a profound cultural shift, one that insists on accountability from leaders, demands better representation for marginalized groups, and celebrates the potential within every Sierra Leonean.

First, we must redefine leadership. We can no longer allow political and social leaders to hide behind divisive rhetoric. Citizens should demand and leaders should exemplify a high standard of ethical behaviour, measured by how well they unify, rather than divide. Transparent governance structures and legal frameworks that penalize hate speech or incitement could serve as deterrents to those who would foment division. Within political parties, leaders should be groomed to appreciate and accommodate diverse viewpoints, ensuring that party policies do not devolve into narrow, tribal mandates.

Second, we must reinvest in civic education. Schools should be places where the next generation learns about the shared history of Sierra Leone’s sixteen tribes, our national heroes, and our interlinked futures. Inter-tribal and inter-regional exchange programs could be established to help young people appreciate each other’s customs and languages. Educators have a responsibility to equip future leaders not just with academic knowledge but with the values of tolerance, empathy, and a deep commitment to unity.

Third, economic reforms must address the regional imbalances that fuel division. A deliberate, well-structured development plan that invests in education, healthcare, and infrastructure in underserved areas will foster a sense of belonging and reduce the impression that certain parts of the country are perpetually sidelined. Meanwhile, private-sector partnerships should be encouraged to diversify job opportunities, making it clear that economic prosperity is inextricably linked with social harmony.

Fourth, religious and traditional leaders must be reminded of their sacred duty to promote unity. The power of the pulpit and the symbolism of cultural rites should be used to nurture compassion and solidarity, rather than to reinforce divisions. Interfaith and inter-tribal councils, tasked with conflict resolution and dialogue, could lead by example, illustrating that unity is not a utopian dream but a practical strategy for national cohesion.

Finally, we, as citizens, must resist the lure of divisive narratives. Each of us holds the power to transform our communities, even if we are not in formal positions of authority. Simple acts hosting inclusive community events, forging friendships across tribal lines, speaking up against hate speech send strong messages that unity is possible, and that divisiveness is not welcome. The Sierra Leone that we want to see must be birthed in our day-to-day interactions.

One of the greatest insights from “Monopoly of Happiness: Unveiling Sierra Leone’s Social Imbalance” is that happiness, much like national cohesion, cannot be attained by a small elite while the majority languishes in insecurity and discontent. True contentment arises from equitable participation, where everyone feels valued. When some Sierra Leoneans monopolize wealth, power, or influence at the expense of others, the fabric of our unity tears a bit more, potentially beyond repair. Yet, if we commit to sharing opportunities, celebrating diversity, and engaging in honest dialogue, we stand a chance of reclaiming what was lost and building an equitable society.

Sierra Leone today finds itself at a tipping point. Our choice is stark: either we remain complacent in our divisions, reaping the inevitable downfall of a fractured society, or we engage in the difficult, collective work of unity-building. This work demands courage, the courage to stand up to divisive leaders, to question our own biases, and to transform how we think about “us” and “them.” It also requires vision: a reimagining of what Sierra Leone can become if we truly embrace our differences as strengths.

Every aspect of our national identity, from our anthem to our pledge, implores us to see beyond the artificial boundaries that keep us apart. When we view one another with suspicion or reduce our fellow citizens to a single identity be it tribal, regional, or religious, we betray the ideals that informed our independence and democracy. The onus is on us, collectively, to honor those ideals with action.

Let us remember that each Sierra Leonean, regardless of background, is essential to our progress. If we fail to act, our divisions will continue to be exploited, dooming us to a future where we fall precisely because we cannot unite. But if we muster the will to bridge our divides recognizing that no tribe, region, or religious group is inherently opposed to another we stand to build a society that not only survives but thrives.

We have the means, the history, and the cultural richness to craft a narrative of unity rather than discord. We have the examples of statesmen and women who have risen above tribal or religious loyalties to serve the nation at large. We have seen moments in crisis be it through natural disasters or health emergencies when Sierra Leoneans have come together, irrespective of their differences. These are not isolated incidents; they are testaments to what we can achieve when we choose unity over division.

As Sierra Leoneans, we owe it to ourselves, our ancestors, and our future generations to transcend the grudges, suspicions, and divisions that have stunted our growth. It is time to embrace a new national ethic, one that prioritizes the collective good over narrow interests, that sees every Sierra Leonean as a partner in development, and that believes wholeheartedly in the transformative power of unity.

We must not allow the tragic phrase “Divided we stand, united we fall” to become our self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, let us strive to stand united to overcome our fears, heal our wounds, and bring our rich mosaic of cultures together. Only then can we truly guarantee that Sierra Leone’s tomorrow is a testament to what we can achieve when we harness our differences as a source of strength rather than as a tool for discord.

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